Author Topic: whats a crud ring  (Read 794 times)

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Offline scott johnson

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whats a crud ring
« on: April 03, 2005, 04:47:56 AM »
I have a  thompson center 50 inline and I have shot traditional muzzle loaders for years but not much experience at all with inlines can you tell me what a crud ring .and why people are having a problem trying to clean them up. :D

Offline Keith Lewis

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2005, 06:27:02 AM »
Load some Triple Seven powder and after you shoot try to re-load and you will find a hard crusty ring of powder residue just forward of the powder charge area which will not allow the new bullet to be seated on the next powder charge. Sometimes this can be removed with spit patch and sometimes it will require much more effort to remove. The ffg 777 seems to be worse than the fffg 777 according to other posts. Triple Seven is so bad in my Omega that I will not shoot it any longer. I am now concentrating on Black Mag'3 which makes almost no fouling of any kind and American Pioneer Powder which in fffg form is not quite so clean but not bad and I just acquired some Goex Pinnacle in fffg form which I have not had time to evaluate yet. Those last three powders are ascorbic acid based powders (citrus based if you so desire to catagorize them). Ascorbic acid based powder has the nice characteristic in that the resultant residue left in the bore is not corrosive to steel unlike the other synthetic or real black powders which are. I still clean like the others but I worry about it less when I am in the field and cannot get to boiling water. How's that for a quick answer as to what a crud ring is??

Offline Redhawk1

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2005, 09:39:11 AM »
Very good Keith Lewis, you did a great job. :D  :)
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Offline scott johnson

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What do you think of pyrodex pellets in your omega.
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2005, 04:03:52 PM »
Quote from: Keith Lewis
Load some Triple Seven powder and after you shoot try to re-load and you will find a hard crusty ring of powder residue just forward of the powder charge area which will not allow the new bullet to be seated on the next powder charge. Sometimes this can be removed with spit patch and sometimes it will require much more effort to remove. The ffg 777 seems to be worse than the fffg 777 according to other posts. Triple Seven is so bad in my Omega that I will not shoot it any longer. I am now concentrating on Black Mag'3 which makes almost no fouling of any kind and American Pioneer Powder which in fffg form is not quite so clean but not bad and I just acquired some Goex Pinnacle in fffg form which I have not had time to evaluate yet. Those last three powders are ascorbic acid based powders (citrus based if you so desire to catagorize them). Ascorbic acid based powder has the nice characteristic in that the resultant residue left in the bore is not corrosive to steel unlike the other synthetic or real black powders which are. I still clean like the others but I worry about it less when I am in the field and cannot get to boiling water. How's that for a quick answer as to what a crud ring is??

Offline scott johnson

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2005, 04:08:45 PM »
What do you thinl of pyrodex pellets in a omega. 8)  8)

Offline Redhawk1

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2005, 02:11:35 AM »
Quote from: scott johnson
What do you thinl of pyrodex pellets in a omega. 8)  8)

They would work, just try different bullets for accuracy. You will not get the crud ring with the pyrodex.  :D  I shot pyrodex pellets until triple7 came out.
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Offline Keith Lewis

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2005, 06:35:28 AM »
I have shot loose Pyrodex in my Omega and the accuracy results were very good. I am not very satisfied with how dirty Pyrodex is although as previously stated there is no hard crud ring just a lot of black messy  powder residue. I am not a fan of pellets of any kind so if the pellets turn you on then the results will be similar to the loose form of the same stuff. Pellets don't seem to be any advantage to me although apparently someone likes them as they sell a lot of them. I pre-measure my loads and package them in bottles that fit the bore so dropping the powder is as easy as using the pellets and my powder does not care which side up it goes in the barrel. When hunting I use the T/C quick loader plastic containers that hold the powder, bullet and primer and find it faster than fooling with pellets. Pyrodex has been around for a long time and is a good propellent with the above exceptions.

Offline Bullseye

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whats a crud ring
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2005, 05:54:33 PM »
My Encore gets a crud ring with 777 and Pyrodex, just worse with 777.  Accuracy is about the same with each.