I find it so bizarre that hunters keep viciously turning on hunters. Today I emailed our states Deer Hunting organization in response to an email message I received asking me to go out an contact everyone I know about the evils of shooting preserves. How strange it is that 800 Minnesota Deer, Elk and Exotic Ranchers should face the threat of being put out of business by their own brothers! What on earth is happening to us?
Why must hunters fall victim to persecution from their own kind? What causes the cannibalism among the ranks of the modern hunter, when never before has their unity been so needed to survive? What causes the myopic vision that disables so many from seeing the real threat to our hunting heritage and its future? Honestly I swear that a very larger percentage of those who call themselves hunters are truly brain dead! When is the madness going to stop? When are the hunting and fishing masses going to gain the vision to see the big picture and realize that our hunting heritage is in terminal peril?
In spite of signs that are so vibrant that even a blind man could comprehend, we have bowhunters persecuting the crossbow and deer hunters condemning the deer farmer. All the while the ARFs circle the carnage with smiles of satisfaction at the destructive cannibalism that is destroying our ranks. It is not a proud time for this hunter who has spent his last 45 years of his life in pursuit of big game! It is a travesty that brings deep shame to a sport that has become my way of life.
If you or any of your friends are looking for a fight, there are any number of organizations that are dedicated to the demise of the modern hunter. Doesnt it make sense to focus our energies on those that would see us to extinction? Why persecute a brother and destroy his preference of harvesting wild game?
While I am having a hard time understanding what is happening within our ranks, I have dedicated my life to the unification of all hunters in a common effort against our real enemy, the ARFs. Please listen to my plea and join me and those who understand where the true danger lies. That jeopardy does not come from another who enjoys harvesting natural resources with a weapon or a rod and reel. It comes from those who strive to eliminate all forms of hunting and fishing and who will not rest until their mission is accomplished. For the mercy of the sports that mean so much to us all, wake up! The clock is ticking and we are allowing our hunting and fishing futures to be placed in peril. If you really care about the future of our sports, you will put away your selfish agendas and go to work with your brothers and your sisters to preserve the things that are so dear to us all.
It makes no difference what your choose to take your animal with! You are a hunter and the choice should be yours to make. What does matter is that there is a well financed and a well organized enemy that is bound and determined to see hunting and fishing banned forever. We all know that! And, if in the shadow of that knowledge, you still feel it more important to persecute your fellow hunter because of where he or she wants to hunt or because of what he or she wants to hunt with, then you are more of a threat than the ARF is. At least the ARF has the honesty to declare that they want to see hunting gone forever. Those that say, I want your hunting gone, but not mine! are no better than the evil that would see all hunting totally eradicated.
There are those of you who would call me a Madman! But, if you can not see the logic in what I say, I claim that you are the ones that are mad and you will be the death of us all!