Author Topic: forends  (Read 486 times)

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Offline plb60

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« on: April 20, 2005, 05:15:50 PM »
does someone make a flat forend for an encore that can also use a harris bipod? ive been looking at georgia jims site but he just does the flat forends for contenders

Offline scienceguy

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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2005, 05:53:14 PM »
Georgia Jim does make a target forend for the Encore.  You have to e-mail him to get the particulars.  He doesn't advertise the fact that he is beginning to offer some Encore sets.  He told me he is in the process of developing the patterns and tooling.  Send him a note.  He is pretty good at getting back in a timely manner.

Offline DropTheHammer

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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2005, 02:37:38 AM »
I'm not all that familiar with the Encore, but a friend has one.   He bought it as a 209x50 and then bought a .243 rifle barrel for it.  I was trying to hook him up with a hanger bar forend and discovered that the encore barrels do not have the mounting lugs as the contender does.  I was talking to Bu11berry and they said to do the hanger bar on the encore you send the barrel in and they do the dovetail work and add the lugs for ~$30.

Although its not a flat forend like GA Jims, I also like the varmint/target forends from's/TC%20thumbhole%20image%20pages/discription_copy(20).htm

I just got one of these in laminate for my contender carbine, then I cut it back a little bit to use also with my 14" BBLs.  I ordered it undrilled and modified it for hanger bar use.  Its a great design for the money.  

Needs sanded and finished to match the grip, but here's what it looks like so far: