Chiming in on the small caliber debate... I have absolutely no doubt that any number of deer are taken with small caliber rifles. However, I also know that I have taken at least 2 deer with my .300 Wby that had small caliber wounds... either .243 or 6mm, in my estimation. No one seems to talk about wounded deer that get away... and it's fine to go on about what great shots we all are... but the undeniable truth is that a larger, more powerful cartridge is more likely to kill an animal than a smaller bore, less powerful one, all other things being equal. I will buy the argument that a shooter is more effective with a caliber he/she is comfortable with, but come on. I guess you could say that us guys that shoot the more punishing caliber are willing to take that punishment to increase the odds of a clean kill. Well... that, and it helps compensate for our small penises ;-)
Besides, I like the big BOOM!