at that high of score youll need to analize every aspect of your shooting.. pattern, pattern pattern,, trap shooters hate it.. did you know that your cheek height and choke will be different for best performance from 16 to 25 yards? stance, starting pointing point, pitch, recoil, pull, eysight, color of tint in lenses, both eyes open, both eyes shut,, time taken for shot, side light shields, , best starting position for your style, etc etc, etc.. alot of guys say they go and shoot and its all them.. hoooooooowy!!! (my opionion only of course) if you can shoot one foot to the right one foot to the left and one foot over and one foot under the target on the 16 yrd line then your shotgun is set up right.. i havent seen many guns that can do it.. espesially the new fangled screw in choke kind.. my 1926 levefer on a calm day above 60 degrees will put 80-90 percent of number 8 pellets in a thirty inch circle at 40 yards with very very few holes.. does wonders for the scores.. now before i get called liar im at about 4000 feet, and those as sea level dont have those results... but still that is where the pattern board comes in.. i took a friend out to the pattern board who has been shooting for years with poor results.. he had 135 pellets in the 30 inch circle at 40 yards!!!... center dense patterns are good for varying ranges of birds, but i dont feel that is good for the similar distances used in trap.. the pattern should have every possible pellet evenly spread in a circle that is best for your distance that you shoot.. . i have problems that can be easily solved by shooting 8 inch plates coyboy action style at 15 yards with my .45 colt.. mainly timing which is extreem ly important in coyboy action and shotgun.. the short sight radius on the 4 1/2 inch barrel, easillly moved impact from impoper squeeze, violent noise and recoil ,makes shooting trap easy.. as i said this helps me,, you need to analyze what you need to find what system helps YOU.... shot gunning takes years, if not a lifetime to master to your best abilitiy.. so analize every thing, start from scratch and figgure what is going to help.. yes other forms of practice will help imensly, they should conform to helping you with problems that youve found your encountering.. study what you think is the problems you have, and go from there, have other good shots at your club analize your shooting..... good luck dave..