Author Topic: .17 caliber Ruger Single Six "Hunter"  (Read 683 times)

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.17 caliber Ruger Single Six "Hunter"
« on: April 30, 2005, 06:12:12 PM »
I just found this forum and web sight today - WOW! Its great.
I have a heads up. Approx. 2 weeks ago I took possession of the first .17HMR/.17Mach2 double cylinder Ruger Single Six "Hunter" in our area. The .17HMR cylinder shot great! The .17Mach2 did not! As each  chamber in the .17 Mach2 cylinder was fired, the cartridge case backed out and jammed against the breech face. Of course, each time the cylinder had to be forced to rotate. I examined the breech end of each cylinder and found that both have recessed chambers. The .17 HMR chambers had squared shoulders, the .17 Mach2 had their shoulders beveled. I examined each fired case under the comparison microscope and found that each had swelled at the rim.
It looks like to me, the bevel in the chambers is the culprit. I had it sent back to Ruger and will update this posting when I here from them.
I am a fan of Ruger but am disappointed with this product so far.
Calvin (Happy) Story

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