and it's a keeper. the ammo i had was a box of old Remington loads and i'm pretty sure the powder had broken down. i fired 5 shots at 50 yards from the bench, it grouped 1.5", which is pretty good in a gale force wind while i'm shivering, but they where 2 feet below point of aim. didn't make to much noise or kick and i could see the bullets hitting the snow (thats right snow!!) at 150 yards when shooting level, so that right there tells me it's the ammo, not the gun. have to shell out $30 for a box of factory loads. crappy thing is when i was working in a gunstore 2 years ago they had 20 boxes on clearance for $15 each because no one bought the stuff. shoulda grabbed it then considering i wanted one at the time.
we've had a snap of very nasty weather lately, with snow every morning. it feels like November, and i have the urge to kill woodland creatures and eat them. ( our deer season is all of November) we took a pic of the range in the snow, i'll post a pic later. funny it was 26 C 2 weeks ago, and now it's -7