I guess it depends on how bad ya want it. The barrel program at H&R will charge ya $39 for the barrel, $10 shipping, $15 for fitting. But, that's a new barrel, it's fitted to you receiver and it takes about 3 weeks to turn it around(minimum) and you loose the use of your receiver 'till its done. Based on all those factors you could go as high as $64 and if it locks up nice you're in, if not then you may have to do some fitting, like I will on the 410 barrel I got last week. Not so bad, I need to learn this stuff anyway. So I really don't mind and the guys around here are great for advice. On the other hand, a whole youth 20ga will only run ya about $90 or $100 and then you have another receiver and stock set. I guess its all in what ya need or want.