This has always been a concern of mine, too. While I was not present at the following event, I will use it as an example. Some friends were shooting cannon in the hinterlands across a road (apparently not regularly travelled) and after lighting the fuse, a car rolled up and stopped to watch the activities. Unfortunately the car stopped close to the line of fire. The gun went boom and fortunately neither car nor occupants were hit, but everybody was considerably upset. (Obviously firing across the road was a bad thing, but that is out of the scope of this discussion.)
I have taken to using electrical firing using either model rocket ignitors (a relatively expensive option) or homemade ignitors using either #32 copper wire or nichrome wire. Both are very quick responding, less than a second between first push and boom.
If you are confident enough of your piece to stand next to it and fire with a linstock, then the" target="_blank">open quills made from Post-Its sound like the best thing.
You want to minimize the period of non-control and fuze is not a contributor to that.