Well, i'm not banned yet for posting about Valmets, so here's some more!! hahahahhaaa
I thought i'd tell you about some custom combi bbls. i sold through the gun shop i once owned in Alaska.
I decided i wanted a modern rimmed cartridge that had enough power for big bears and moose. I knew if i could come up with one, my customers would buy them!!! Also it was something i had a lot of personal interest in at that time.
I came up with the cartridges by shortening B.E.L.L. (sold as RCBS Basic cases) to aprox 2.800" and necking them to the desired cal. with a 25 degree shoulder and one caliber neck.
I really didn't have a name for them, but when i sent the reamers specs to RCBS to have die sets made up, they put my initials on the die sets thus nameing the first one .375 RDS.
I decided to build a 375 RDS first, because i was also at "that time" swageing and selling a "bonded core" .375" bullet. I figured i could load them in my new 375 RDS and then sell the whole works as a "turn key system" that included my own factory loads! :>)))
I made RDS cals. in both double rifle and combi sets and the best part is, i never received even one complaint about accuracy. One guy took his to Africa and flatten numerous animials with it.
As i said above, the first ones i made up were .375's and they sold very well. I also made up a .338 RDS for myself as it was my favorite cal. at that time. I still have it.
Anyway, they turned out to be very good "shooters" and i thought i'd post a couple picts. here for you to see for yourself!!
Drilling Man