Author Topic: I support the troops....  (Read 2080 times)

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Offline Brett

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« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2005, 06:43:31 AM »
Ironglow, Good commentary. :agree:
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Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2005, 12:06:05 PM »
I agree, very good comentary indeed.  :grin:  & theres alot I agree with in there. I mighta not said Muslim country I shoulda said culturally different. While we did side with the Islamics in Kosavo & Bosnia if I remember right we did a flip flop there siding one time with the Christians & another with the Muslims. In some of the countries we are talking about atrocities come from both. We as Christians have skeletons in our closet from days gone by as well.

I agree that what we are shoving down Iraq's throat is a good sight better than what Communism or Hitler had to offer. But if you need to do it with force like we are & need to pretty much occupy the land for an indefinate time it just doesn't seem likely that it will stick when we leave, be it now or in 10 years. We need to remember that Iraq's people are essentially the same as the Syrians & Iranians & all the rest. Theyre loyalty lies primarilly to Islam as they are tought it, not in a Nationality as we see it.

Most here are Christians true, but who here would not consider a person a fellow American because he was Jewish ? Who would say that a person wasn't patriotic because they held different beliefs than us?
Would our society protect someone who beheaded a Iraqi journalist because he was an infidel? These guys jump on their camels & ride across the desert to fight for their God, not because we took Iraq, they dont care on bit what Iraq is or what its called. They see the west coming in & taking over Muslim territory.
Not saying their right, its my opinion theyre not.
It is also my opinion that we feed the fire by staying there. If they are really ready for freedom as we know it they dont need us.
As friends sure, but not as a police force. If they cant control themselves theres not much hope for an INDEPENDANT Iraq, no matter how much we desire it.

Almost forgot.  :P
The UK Ireland thing, the vote might come out different if they let ALL of Ireland in on it.
The majority up north are Protestant as I understand it.

I see it kinda like if Mexico took Arizona or New Mexico & brought thousands of Mexican nationals into those states, would we let them vote as to wether or not they were a US or a Mexican state ?
I believe it would be up to congress, in other words, the people of the whole country who made the decision & I doubt we'd turn the other cheek.

I'm not saying we should intervene, they seem somewhat content with the state of things over there right now, but it does seem hypocritical of the UK to continue occupying Ireland while campaigning for freedom & democracy in other places.

There are cowards to be sure, no question, there always will be. There are also those who will follow a man they believe in anywhere he may lead.
Most people tho I'd hope would have the ability to look at the whole picture, at the effects of theyre actions in the long run & at the same time be able to learn from mistakes made in the past.

This thing is a political nightmare, IMO thats because we cant keep things simple anymore & it all seems to come back to globalization. Our Gov't is for it so we cant be seen as ruthless by the world because we want to be everyones buddy. Well IMO they showed us what kind of buddies they really are by NOT coming to our aid, by not marching side by side with us thru this thing. A couple hundred or thousand men sent by those we call allies are an insult. How many men did we send when Europe was in trouble? No we are alone in reality & for that reason I think we ought not care one iota what the global community thinks of our actions.

Nuetralize the threat completely then come home. Need to do it again next year, then do it again. It'll sure cost less lives that way.

You bring up Iran & its nuclear ambitions. I'm not sure what the answer theres gonna be but I think it has alot to do with our desire to keep Iraq.

Mighta been better if they got one a few years ago. They'da nuked Iraq & Saddam wouldnt have been our problem.
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Offline Brett

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« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2005, 01:46:19 PM »
I think if you turned off the TV and speak with some of the soldiers coming back from Iraq you would get an entirely different perspective.  From what I have heard the general populace of Iraq is glad we are there and pray for a change to a Democratic form of government.  It is the wealthy class, former military leaders and radical Islamic factions that have enjoyed living off of the backs of the masses who don't want to loose there control over the country.

So why doesn't the general populace just revolt and over through the government you may ask?  Think about it a minute, these people have been under someones thumb, basically castrated, for centuries. They are scared $##@less that any attempt to over through the government and claim some freedom for themselves might fail and then they would have to pay the price for their insolence.  Many of them see us as their only hope.  If we were to pull out things would go right back to the way they were, maybe worse.

So why should we care you ask?  I can think of a couple of reasons... 1) what would it say about us as a 'Christian' nation to just sit back and allow a people to be abused, tortured and murdered by an autocratic government.  2) Those factions see the United States and the lifestyle of the Western world as a threat to their power and the control they have over there 'subjects'. That puts us in their sites as a target for terrorist activity.  If we allow them to operate unhindered the attacks on us will only intensify.
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Offline Brett

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« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2005, 02:03:40 PM »
On the subject of globalization and a UN lead government;  I have to agree with you Leverdude. The US has few if any real friends out there that we could count on when the chips are down.  If the US's leaders ever buckle under to the UN and hand over authority to them it would be the beginning of this nations downfall.  I believe that the leaders of the UN are into their own little power trip and really don't give a rats #% about bringing the world together in harmony unless they are at the reins.  A UN world government would be nothing more than another all powerful, autocratic government controlled be a few wealthy elite at this point.
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Offline powderman

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« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2005, 03:28:12 PM »
BRETT. Agreed Sir. POWDERMAN.  :D  :D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2005, 03:38:22 PM »

They dont need to overthrow a Gov't, we already did it for them. They dont need to organize a new Gov't, we did it for them. They dont need to come up with a safe secure voting process, we did it for them, They dont need to train security forces or  police dept personell, we did it for them. They dont need to rebuild their country & establish communications, tv & radio, we did it for them. They need not dirty their fingers during bowel movements, we do it for them  :shock:   :lol:  Well, not yet but  would we if it stopped the insurgents?

What more do we owe them? When will the job be complete?
If you say when the insurrection stops we may as well just as well figure to be there for the next 3000 years or so. These are people who live to fight holy wars. What makes us so special that theyre going to stop because we MADE them let the people vote in one country. No, I think the longer we hang out there the longer they'll have easy access at their enemies, us. Once we leave they'll spend a few years taking apart everything we did & then we'll be having to save the world again. Maybe we'll have some real friends by then.
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Offline Brett

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« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2005, 04:56:31 PM »
Not looking to start an argument with you Leverdude just sharing an opinion.  I agree that we have overthrown a government, however I think that we are still in the process of organizing, supporting and training this new government and it's police/security forces in order for it to be selfsufficient enough to sustain itself.  

What do we owe them? Nothing really. Again I think it boils down to how a stable government in Iraq, that is hopefully friendly toward us, could benefit us down the road as far as our own security is concerned.

When will the job be completed?  There are so many variables involved that it is anybody's guess.  That is why you have not heard President Bush or our military leaders give any predictions on when we will be able to pull out.  The one thing that is sure is the better we equip our fighting forces support them physically as well as psychologically the sooner they will be able to get the job done.
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Offline ironglow

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« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2005, 12:41:17 AM »
   I must agree with Lever, Brett and Powderman almost completely.
    Now the almost caveat..
       Lever says we should get out of Iraq now, since we will be back again anyway in 20 years or so.
  Surely he has a right to his opinion..but I see it quite differently in only that one aspect.
  We should stay long enough to get the new govt of Iraq operating comfortably...perhaps a bit longer even.
  Historic example:
   Japan in WW2 was fully as fanatic a nation as SH's Iraq...due to a twisted religion.
   Remember the Kamakazi pilots..they had Kamakazi powerboats and submarines also ( Kaiten; actually human guided torpedos).
    I believe that if we had simply left Japan alone after the war, they would never have cast off the perverted forms of Shintoism...and we almost assuredly have been back in another 20 years (1965 ?)..
   Instead, Gen MacArthur in his wisdom, had our troops hang around and dispense chewing gum to the kids, teach them to play baseball and learn American other words, inculcate some western culture..
  Today Japan is a dynamic, peaceful society...fully independant and NOT at our throats .

   Germany, after WW1, besides being hit by France with crippling war reparations...simply suffered from benign neglect by the allies.
    Hate seethed within their a point where they accepted a Hitler.
   They secretly rearmed, trained pilots in Russia and built a formidable Navy and were on the march again within 20 years...

  As Brett says, I have talked to returning troops from Iraq .
    When I asked them after watching network news, " Is what we are seeing on the news the real truth ?"
   To a man they said things like.. " I don't know where the reporters found their Iraq, but it's not the one I served in ".

    Brett got the same info I did !
   Just my two pennies...
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Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2005, 10:24:08 AM »
I hope you guys are right, I just dont have the faith in these people you guys obviously have. I tend to judge people & nations by what they do, not what they say they want or believe. When I see the people over there taking the bull by the horns I'll change my mind, untill then, youve got your opinion & I mine.  

I'v little faith in a fairy tale world where everyone agree's & wars dont happen, tyrants dont exist & nations dont dissagree, but again I hope I'm proven wrong.

No desire to argue here tho.  :D  

Just healthy dialog to help each other see the others point of view.
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Offline powderman

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« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2005, 03:29:17 PM »
IRONGLOW. Agreed Sir. Several from our church have returned safely from iraq. The iraq they know, and the iraq the news media and dumcraps tell us about are 2 different countries, and situations. One of them has returned to iraq last week. POWDERMAN.  :D  :D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline fe352v8

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« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2005, 06:24:02 PM »
I am thankful that they returned safely.  We need to remember the news axiom, “If it bleeds it leads”, but also remember that anecdotal reporting by a few individuals is also likely to be less than representative of the true picture also.

It is eerie, it seems like I have heard a lot of the same things about 35 years ago:

“ Mission accomplished”

“We are turning the corner”

“Winning the battle, for hearts and minds”

“We can not let those who gave their lives to have died in vain”

“They are assuming a greater role in providing their own security”

“We will begin drawing our troop strength down”

“Victory is in sight, it will not be long now”

Maybe Yogi was right, “It’s deja vu all over again”.

The longer this takes the weaker we look.  Why should North Korea, or anyone else, fear us, in two years we have not secured the road from the Baghdad airport, let alone the countryside. The debate about whether we should have invaded over, we already invaded.  If our strategy remains unchanged we will be there for generations.  If it is truly now our intent to provide for a secure and stable democracy, then commit the necessary recourses / man power and get it over with, if not we should just leave.

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Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2005, 02:46:57 PM »
Fe wrote

The longer this takes the weaker we look. Why should North Korea, or anyone else, fear us, in two years we have not secured the road from the Baghdad airport, let alone the countryside. The debate about whether we should have invaded over, we already invaded. If our strategy remains unchanged we will be there for generations. If it is truly now our intent to provide for a secure and stable democracy, then commit the necessary recourses / man power and get it over with, if not we should just leave.

Once again I find myself in agreement with our resident liberal.  :P
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Offline Brett

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« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2005, 03:55:44 PM »
Quote from: Leverdude
Fe wrote

The longer this takes the weaker we look. Why should North Korea, or anyone else, fear us, in two years we have not secured the road from the Baghdad airport, let alone the countryside. The debate about whether we should have invaded over, we already invaded. If our strategy remains unchanged we will be there for generations. If it is truly now our intent to provide for a secure and stable democracy, then commit the necessary recourses / man power and get it over with, if not we should just leave.

Once again I find myself in agreement with our resident liberal.  :P

Leverdude - quick, take a couple of whiffs of Hoppes No.9 to clear your head and come back to your senses.  :eek:  :)  :D
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Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2005, 01:53:50 PM »
Didn't have any Hoppes in the gun room, so I tried Break Free instead, didn't work tho, he still makes sense.  :)  :D
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Offline ironglow

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« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2005, 02:01:21 AM »
    Guess the only thing left to do is give up and go home...then we can sit around here an endure the terrorist attacks...
    Perhaps we "over-reacted" to 9/11.....after all when we hunt those terrorists down, they get mad at us...

   Surely if we had not retaliated on the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq they might right at this sitting around a campfire with us ...toasting marshmallows...
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Offline ironglow

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« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2005, 02:13:05 AM »
I find my words from 40 years ago (1965) quite prophetic.
   After serving for 2&1/2 years in Europe, I was on my way home on the high seas and involved in a discussion with several GIs returning home with me.
   When the subject of who are good allies etc. came up, I offered this observation:

     " I believe that we should forget UN and NATO etc, etc and form a block (economic and military) with all the English speaking nations of the world....and let the rest go where they are headed for !"

    I see no major reason to change my thinking of 40 years ago...

         Comment ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline powderman

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« Reply #46 on: May 21, 2005, 03:32:51 AM »
IRONGLOW. Please don't confuse our libby friends with common sense and true logic. I have to go now, I'm putting together my weekly care package for saddam. Marshmallows is a great idea too, I'll ask abdul if he knows what they are, should be a real treat  for him. POWDERMAN.  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Leverdude

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« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2005, 08:38:44 AM »
" I believe that we should forget UN and NATO etc, etc and form a block (economic and military) with all the English speaking nations of the world....and let the rest go where they are headed for !"

This is what I'v been saying more or less. Let them rot in the desert.
How does what we are now engaged in fit into your prophecy?  :roll:

I doubt very much if anything we do in Iraq is having any effect on the terrorists other than making it easier to hit us.

I cant see how leaving our foot in a hornets nest will keep us from being stung. I'm not saying we should forget anything thats been done to us, on the contrary, I remember it all & cant see why we insist on helping the very people who want us dead. I'm aware that most troops on the ground say the Iraqis they see are greatful for our help. I just wonder how many change suits after dark or when called upon by their brethren to do us harm.

You guys talk like we get whacked by terrorists on a regular basis. This isn't Isreal for crying out loud. Its a shame that with all the good we could be doing in the world we're spinning our wheels in Iraq.

If you really want to hurt the terrorists we oughtta pull all support from the region. Not just Iraq or Afganistan but the entire region. No more money, no more weapons, no more technical support no nuthing.
All we're doing now is fueling their hatred & giving them targets.

Its inconcievable to think that our being in Iraq is why no more attacks have occured here. They havent occured here because its pretty difficult for them to carry out an attack across the globe, pure & simple.

We fight countries to defeat terrorists that dont care about countries.
They care about territories & religion, so we invade their territories & inject our culture & government on them & you expect that to get them to stop?

I cant pretend to know the answer but nothing about WW2 is relevant to this. Saddam wasn't a global threat, Saddam wasn't invading Europe, Saddam never even almost had the resources to pose a real threat.

You can say what about 9/11 all you want. It was a tragedy for sure & one that deserves retaliation, directed intelligently against the ones who did it and yet the country where they came from sits safely on the sidelines getting all sorts of resources & aid from us while our men die in Iraq.

Korea has nukes, Iran probably does, Pakistan & India both do & yet we worry about Iraq.
To say its not about oil is to ignore the obvious. If its not oil then why not bomb the oil production facilities across the mid east, thats where they get their money. Destroy every last one & end their cash flow. That would hurt the terrorists much more than occupying one cruddy little country in their midst.

I havent heard anyone saying we should give them marshmellows or care packages either but if thats what you want to do go right ahead.

We all need to keep an open mind on this or we'll get nowhere. Far be it for me to be called a pacifist, I consider myself realistic & realistically we are wasting our time over there, we could be doing something worthwhile, killing terrorists.

When we leave the democratic republic of Iraq will they still be Islamic? If they are wont they send their kids to be educated by the radicals? Wont these radicals teach these kids how the infidel Americans destroyed their homes & country? Wont these kids filled with hatred have all the technology we've brought at their disposal? Wont these kids be the future leaders over there? Won't it be likely they may find support from Iran or Pakistan who we are watching develop nuclear weapons? Wont they likely be inclined to use the nice jet fighters we are selling them (pakistan) against the infidels?

A long time ago we had a war here with the English. They thought they couldn't lose because we were an unorganized bunch of rebels, their generals sent back to England reports of the support they got from the loyalists & how, many people here were glad they were putting down the insurgents. But they lost. The most powerfull army on earth lost to a bunch of farmers & frontiersmen. The biggest reason they lost? Because they were fighting a political war while we were fighting for our beliefs, our freedoms. We can win the war on terror if we fight it, but not if we waste time & men fighting a losing battle.

I for one have very little fear of terrorist attacks & I'm closer to NYC than most of you. I'm more afraid of us losing our freedoms & unless your blind you have to admit they are dissapearing, first the patriot act & now national ID's. If this continues, if we are so afraid of these scumbags that we lose sight of what makes us the greatest nation on earth, then the terrorists have won regardless of Iraq.

Level Iraq if they are a threat, then come home to a free country.
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Offline fe352v8

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« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2005, 09:49:40 PM »

Being you started this thread how do you support the troops?

Do you give to the USO?
Do you volunteer at a VA hospital?
Did you send phone cards via the Red Cross?

I am a liberal who believes either you go in with everything you have (conventional weapons) and get it over with or you do not go at all.  I also believe that little Georgie, Dickie, and Donnie have all the testosterone in the world, as long as it is someone else doing the fighting.  You might also notice it is not their kids or grandkids doing it either.

I have given to the USO every year since 1972.
I have provided car pool service to the VA hospital two days a month for the last 20 years.
I buy a phone card for distribution via the Red Cross every month.

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Offline Dali Llama

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« Reply #49 on: May 22, 2005, 06:34:23 AM »
Quote from: fe352v8

Being you started this thread how do you support the troops?

Do you give to the USO?
Do you volunteer at a VA hospital?
Did you send phone cards via the Red Cross?

Do that be somewhat akin to telling Ironglow to put his money where his mouth be, ask Dali Llama? :?
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

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« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2005, 06:36:56 AM »
Quote from: fe352v8

I am a liberal who believes either you go in with everything you have (conventional weapons) and get it over with or you do not go at all.  
What be reason for parenthetical qualified, inquire Dali Llama?  Do fe352v8 oppose use of nonconventional weaponry, ask Dali?
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

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« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2005, 07:29:57 AM »
I am no trying to be argumentative.  I think Ironglow is sincere, aside from thanking God for BushÂ’s potency, which based on his military service is questionable at best, I am curious as to how one supports the troops.  Surely there are more useful things to do beside tying yellow ribbons on trees, flying the flag, and putting stickers on your car?  

I do not like this war and believe that the methods used in itsÂ’ prosecution have resulted in unnecessary deaths to American personnel.  I feel that many tactical and strategic decisions have been tempered by politics.  The people on the ground deserve better than what this administration has given them, and as we elected this commander and chief they deserve better of us.

I think Bush I and Powell were correct smash a fly with a sledge hammer, 138,000 troops in country is not enough to secure it especially when the majority of these troops are support personnel and not combat arms.

Whether we should have invaded or not is not debatable, we are already there.  The question is are we willing to commit to finishing the mission, as quickly as possible to minimize our casualties, or do we can continue along the same path as our delusional toy soldier president, and his little friends continue to pretend, while our children are maimed and killed.

I look at non-conventional weapons as the line of final defensive fire, that said I feel that there use in WWII, was justified as they dramatically shortened the war and saved us from incurring many more casualties.  If the war had continued, I believe we would have had another Potsdam in the orient.

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life is no joke but funny things happen


Offline ironglow

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« Reply #52 on: May 23, 2005, 01:41:08 PM »
   How do I support the troops ?
  Well I have a special charity that I subscribe to and donate to supporting handicapped vets.
   I supported the troops that I served with so many years ago as did many here...
    My grandson is supporting his fellow Marines in his  special operations outfit right working long, hard hours and weeks in preparation for deployment to the war zones, ( I won't say where or when for obvious reasons)...but you will notice that "zones" is plural..

    I support the troops by admitting that my grandson is not "too good..or too cowardly " to serve with those other young heros.

   Probably most important is that I support the troops by praising the  heroic things they are doing day in and day out...I don't carry on TRASHING their courageous efforts, trying to destroy their morale and thereby somehow hoping it hurts their Commander-in-Chief...because I am a "sore/ I see some folks in the "unbiased" major media do...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)