Author Topic: Short throat in a 30-30 barrel  (Read 316 times)

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Short throat in a 30-30 barrel
« on: May 11, 2005, 04:23:35 AM »
I have a stainless,14 inch, 8 grove, 30-30 barrel that I got new on a closeout sale for $125.  What a deal!  That is until I got to shooting it.  Right off I noticed two things, velocity and pressure were high and it misfired alot.

I discovered that unless the bullet was seated deep, it would get into the rifling and prevent the internal safety from disengaging when the barrel was closed.  

I quit using jacketed bullets and tried some cast bullets.  The front driving band on a Lyman 311291 will come into heavy contact with the rifling and will not work, same with the RCBS 180 gr flat nose.  That is too bad because I like both of those bullets.  A Lee 170gr flat nose has a much thinner front driving band and will work most of the time but still has an occasional problem.  Sometimes I still see a light dent in the primer, which I think, may be due to variations in the rim thickness of the brass.

If this barrel was not so accurate, I would send it somewhere and have it made into a 30-30 AI.

Has anyone else seen this type of problem with a 30-30 barrel and what did you do to fix it?

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline fyrepowrx

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Short throat in a 30-30 barrel
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 05:22:28 AM »
I have a 32/20 barrel with the same problem. With pretty much any bullet, if i try to seat it to the cannelure, it is too long to chamber.

I took my brass, trimmed it down .15 of an inch, and ended up with some short funny looking cases, but they work fine, and no more problems. Since the case neck is pretty long on a 30/30, you might give that a try..TC would probably rethroat the chamber fror free if you explain the problem, especially if it wont chamber factory ammo, but if you dont want to have to take the time to send it in, just trim the brass a bit and see if shaving a few thousandths off might help...
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