Author Topic: Which would you get??  (Read 1232 times)

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Offline smitty72

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Which would you get??
« on: February 16, 2003, 03:04:50 PM »
I'm looking to get a new rifle and was considering a 7mm Rem. mag , 300 Win. mag or even a short action mag I hunt whitetails and black bear with a elk hunt about every other year any suggestions?

Offline PaulS

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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2003, 05:22:06 PM »
All the gun you really need is a 3006 but you would be fine with the 300 WinMag.  It is more than you need for white-tails and black bear but not too over kill for the elk. I would stay away from any of the short magnums until the makers decide which ones are going to stay around.


Hodgdon, Lyman, Speer, Sierra, Hornady = reliable resources
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Alway check loads you find on the internet against manuals.
NEVER exceed maximum listed loads.

Offline Big Tom

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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2003, 05:33:38 PM »
:grin: What a wonderful delimma! I have had the fortune of buying several new rifles in the past few years, the latest being a 7mm Rem mag in a Sako mod 75 Hunter Stainless and I am totally satisfied, A-1+++ in all areas. If you are looking for something less pricey a new Tikka T-3 in 300 WSM. It has the same top shelf barrel/action with a $500 price tag.
The best bargain level in a mag would probably be a Savage, if you can get one with the new trigger even better. Good Luck!
Tom Gursky
Northwoods Guide Service
"May all your trophies be worthy of The Book"

Offline jamie

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2003, 09:54:57 PM »
I would go with the Savage.  Scoped rifle from Wal-mart - $369.00  The look on the guys face when it outshoots his $2500.00 custom - Priceless.

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Offline rustyirn

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wich would you get?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2003, 02:43:27 AM »
I have to aggree the Savage is the best bang for the buck. imop 30-06 will take anything in the U.S. if you make your shots count.
It aint the gun nut. Its the nut behind the trigger.

Offline rustyirn

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wich would you get?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2003, 02:44:58 AM »
I have to aggree the Savage is the best bang for the buck. imop 30-06 will take anything in the U.S. if you make your shots count.
It aint the gun nut. Its the nut behind the trigger.

Offline tominboise

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« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2003, 04:00:01 AM »
Well, if it was me, I'd sure look at the .270 WSM, or the 7mm WSM.  I personally own a 7mm Rem Mag, and love it, but the belted case can be a bit of a headache reloading.  I like the smaller bores with heavy bullets, for a high value sectional density, without rattling your teeth out of your head.  Of course, I also like the .338-06 and the 45-70, heck, I guess I just like them all!!!! :grin:
I think the .270 WSM with 140 gr failsafe or partition, would kill about anything you plan on killing.


Offline Zachary

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« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2003, 04:27:57 AM »

Any of the catridges you mentioned, for the applications that you stated, should be fine.

A 7 Rem Mag, with stout bullets and, of course, proper placement, will work on any elk.  A 300 Win Mag is more "effective," but comes at the price of higher recoil which you may, or may not, handle.  The newer 300 WSM would be great, but, unless you are a handloader, bullet selections are not anywhere remotely near that of the 7mag and 300 Win. mag.  Also, you have a great deal many more choices in rifles with the 7mag and 300 Win. Mag than you do with any of the WSMs.

Another consideration?  If you happen to go elk hunting (or I guess hunting for any other game animal in a relatively remote area for that matter) and you happen to have either forgotten your WSM ammo, or lost it, or had it fall over a cliff into a deep fast running river or something, chances are that finding WSM ammo in a local store would be very difficult compared to buying good ole 7Mag and 300 Win. Mag. ammo.


Offline Dutch4122

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« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2003, 04:29:17 AM »
Another vote for the .300 Win Mag.  Better availability of ammo and probably a wider range of commercial loadings offered (for now anyway).  Also, if you forget to pack your shells and get all the way up to "Moose Jaw" on the frozen tundra you'll be more likely to find ammo at the local hardware store for a .300 Win Mag than any of the new short magnums.

As for the rifle, the Savage sounds like a great idea or maybe a Remington 700 stainless.

Just my  :money:

Offline Big Tom

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« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2003, 05:14:03 AM »
As far as the new short mags. You will be hard pressed to find one in a barrel long enough to acheive published ballistics, whereas most of the longer action magnums come in barrel lengths(24 or 26") designed to allow all the powder to do its job.
I'd love to see some specs on a .300 WSM (180gr)in a 22" barrel vs a .300 Win mag(180gr) 26" barrel because those are the common lengths they are sold in and the 180gr is a popular big game load, which .300s are commonly used for.
 You can't find any short mags in 24 or 26" factory barrels that I have seen, but they use a 24" Universal Receiver barrel to publish ballistics. :roll:

I don't know why :?:
Tom Gursky
Northwoods Guide Service
"May all your trophies be worthy of The Book"

Offline Lawdog

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« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2003, 11:57:40 AM »
Big Tom,

In a way I agree with what you say.  I have a brother-in-law that shoots a Win. M70 in .300 Win. Mag. that has a .24" barrel and weights about 9 1/4 pounds.  His wife just got a Win. M70 Coyote in .300 WSM(the Coyote comes standard with a 24" barrel in all the WSM calibers).  It has a 24" barrel and weights about 9 1/4 pounds.  Now I've fired both rifles and there isn't any difference between the two with one exception.  The .300 WSM looses accuracy when you try to use bullets over 180 grains.  The heavier the bullet the worse the accuracy.  I asked her why she bought the WSM and she said she was told she would get the same ballistics’ as the Win. Mag. without the recoil.  WRONG.


Between the 7mm Rem. Mag. and the .300 Win. Mag., I'd get which ever one fit you and that you felt the most comfortable with.  Me I'd go with the .300 Winchester Magnum.  Just a better all around gun.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline Advocate

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Which would you get??
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2003, 01:01:37 PM »
As between the choices you stated,  I would go for the 300 win mag.  If you handload you can really tailor your ammo for your specific needs.  Every 300 mag I've ever seen produced above average accuracy. I like the 180 grain and 200 grain partitions.  You can load the 200 grain partition to about 2900 and use it for everything if you're a handloader.