Ok, I returned the Keltec to my buddy. I enjoyed shooting it. It was definately different. I believe it will make a good short distance rifle for me to use my Glock clips in. His was .40 cal.;So, I did not get to try my higher capacity 9mm clips in it. I let my father shoot a few rounds through it and he thought it was a "cheap piece of crap". I started to debate it with him and he told me "He did not care about it since he was not the one buying or shooting it". Last night I went into the local gun shop, and they finally had a new 9mm model in stock. I asked the guy behind the counter to let me see it and tell me eveything he knows about it. Well, he did not tell me anything that I did not already know about it except for the fact that he said "We are selling about 2 a month, and we have not seen or heard of any problems". Last month when I was there they had 2 .40 cal. in stock, and yesterday they only had the 9mm in stock. I asked him why they only had the one 9mm in stock now and he said "We just got 2- 9mm in stock on Monday and we sold one of them on Tuesday. More people are looking for the 9mm model". I am really leaning towards going back next week and buying it.