I had the problem on two encore 209x50 barrels (I ran out of vertical adjustment) and finally switched to the Burris signature rings with the inserts. They are very solid steel and the inserts can be purchased in different thickness. They look great and eliminated the problem immediately. I now use them on all my rifles - even the ones without problems. In addition, the inserts act as a pad between the scope and rings, also eliminating those annoying ring marks on my scopes. I have this setup in medium height rings on my omega now, but have not shot her yet to see if I need the offset inserts or if the standard will be fine. On my 30.06 T/C custon barrel, the standard inserts were just fine. The only problem seems to be that this setup is hard to find in stock at midway or midsouth - they sell quickly and Burris is slow to catch them up. I think the bas is about $22 and the rings are about $27. I use the dual dovetail in stainless on mine.