Author Topic: Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?  (Read 2285 times)

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Offline OklaKelly

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Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?
« on: May 16, 2005, 02:21:22 AM »
For big lead shooters... this looks like the ticket for making unbearable recoil bearable. At least from what I read. Is this as effective as they claim?

I'm thinking a 13 inch 450 Marlin w/JP Brake would be so much fun!  :twisted:

JP Howitzer Muzzle Brake

Offline captainkirk

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 04:24:54 AM »
Have not shot one, but I hear as brakes go this one may just turn your gun into "The Loudest Thing on Earth".  I will be interested to see some replies from experienced users.

The KDFs etc. and that ilk I have tried on 300 wby rifles with 26 inch bbls have only "really hurt" in the sound dept with muffs and plugs on but they did significantly lower recoil (maybe 308 level). The way the JP is shaped I would think it would direct more gas (and sound) right back at you.

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Offline KYODE

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Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2005, 05:04:25 AM »
no offense to owners of those..............but i think they are ugly :?

  my OTT "shark gill" brake on my 300 win mag encore looks nice(to my eye) and is VERY effective in recoil reduction. i shoot it as a handgun and i'd say recoil is much much less than even my 15" 7-08 and probably closer to the .243 with mid weight bullets :eek: .
it is loud imo, but with a set of muffs on at the range, or ear plugs in the field, it is no problem and no different than those without brakes.

we shouldn't be shootin ANY gun at ANY time without ear protection.

Offline OklaKelly

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Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 09:32:24 AM »
Haha.. it's not the prettiest thing I've ever seen but it is different. Kinda grows on me the more I look at it though. I love big boomers (for fun that is) just don't like the associated wrist-breaking recoil.

It must not be very popular if no one here has used this one. :(

Offline singleshot

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JP Muzzle brake
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 12:07:27 PM »
I have one on a 15 inch 22-250 Encore and use it for PD Hunting.  It reduces the recoil enough that you can hold the pistol grip with 2 fingers when firing it. It actually does pull the gun forward.   I like it for this type of use.  They are right about the sound though.   In the field and wearing ear muffs it is not noticeable.  At the range, you will run all the people next to you away with the noise and the muzzle blast that does go to the rear.   It is much worse when standing to the side and rear of the shooter, rather than directly behind the shooter.   I fired a round in middle of winter off my rear deck.   A glass pie pan, my wife uses for cigarette butts was on the metal patio table to my right rear.   The muzzle blast and sound actually broke the glass pie plate in half.   I can only imagine the blast from a big boomer.    

Offline OklaKelly

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Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 03:26:32 AM »
That definitely sounds effective. I wonder how it would do on a 375 H&H Mag. I don't plan on hunting with it, I just want something big and loud to play with for those times when you just feel like blowing something up. :) Am I alone in this or do others do that too? haha.


Offline jason280

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Anyone used the JP Howitzer brake?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2005, 01:47:51 PM »
I've actually tried these types of brakes on two different guns.  The first was a rather strange looking Ruger MKII target .223 rifle, which had been converted to a 10rd fixed mag and had one of the JP brakes on it.  The gun didn't move when fired, but was LOUD!  I would compare it to my 11.5" AR15,  which is very loud.  I couldn't imagine shooting either without protection.

The second was on a Armalite single shot .50 BMG, which uses a similar type brake.  It makes recoil bearable, but is still loud.  However, anytime you're launching a 650gr bullet at 2700+ fps, then your last concern is a little noise!

One thing you need to consider is these brakes (by design) push a lot of gas perpindicular to the shooter.  This is of great concern if you are shooting at a public range, which may have benches fairly close to one another.  The .50 we were shooting cleared the top of the bench next to of, and pretty much relocated the next guys targets, empty boxes, and soft sided gun case to the floor.

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Offline haroldclark

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I've used the Howitzer Brake
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2005, 06:27:43 PM »
I like the muzzle brake.  I originally had it on a 15" 308 Winchester and it made a full house load feel like a 223.  It is a bit un-neighborly, but any brake is.   Noise is noise and you can't complain about it.  Wear ear protection and have fun shooting what you want.

I have also used the Darryl Holland(I have 2 of them) and one by Van Horn.  The really work.  I'm going to put the Howizter on my 7mm BR Encore.  I took if off of my 308 and put on a Holland, but the Howizter is just a bit more effective.

I have a buddy that shoots a Virgin Valley 6.5 WSSM with an 18.5 barrel plus the Howizter.  There is virtually no recoil.

Usually, when I mention Muzzle Brakes on this forum, most guys go goofy over the noise.  It's not that bad if you wear hearing protection like we should.  I shoot with a group of guys (12 of us) and only one guy doesn't have a muzzle brake on his barrel, but it is a heavy barreled 7mm BR.
