I don't think it will make a difference in the price. The NEF/H&R is first and formost a Hunting gun. I, personally, don't think you could have a better HD/Camp gun than a single shot NEF. It's about as safe as they come and one of the shortest configurations you will find. A 20ga youth model is only about 36" long from muzzle to butt. Anyone can fire it, it's so simple. The single shot shotgun was the choice for varmits of all kinds both 2 and 4 legged that was setting by the back door in many homes and farms for many decades. It has my vote. My choice is the 12ga, Mod., 22" youth barrel that is being fitted at the factory as we speek. Slugs, bird or buck shot, it will take care of any concerns I may have while at home or camping. I have given some thought to ordering a Tamer stock from Choat. They have them in 12, 20, and 410 configurations.