I pick up a handi before the price increase in 30-06 seem to be a well made gun for the money,I yet had a chance to set- it up will be about three more weeks as soon as I return up north,hey going to miss this nice weather down here in N.C.
I have to remove a millet 3x9 scope that sits on my mauser BNZ42 and a set of millet rings in medium height,and then load some 165 grain interlock hornady 165 SP bullets,going to us my same load I used in my springfield to start up a load and see how it shoots otherwise I like the gun seem light for a all day hunt while stalking the whitetail.
How am I going to squeezze in the handi between hunting ,most of it is with black powder,maybe on a rain day the handi will come out or maybe when a long long shot is needed. :-D
I hope the handi is a shooter