Author Topic: new SPEER135 GR Bullet for small 38 revolvers  (Read 580 times)

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Offline Kragman71

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new SPEER135 GR Bullet for small 38 revolvers
« on: May 17, 2005, 04:07:54 PM »
Although I'm a Handloader(almost all of my centerfire shooting is with them),I intend to buy those new Speer cartridges for my S&W M36 with a short barrel.
Doe anyone here,know anything about these cartridges? Both the 'American Rifleman'ad 'Handloader' magazines seems to likethem.

Offline TNrifleman

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new SPEER135 GR Bullet for small 38 revolve
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 01:51:23 PM »
Like you, I only know what I've read in the gunpress. I am convinced the Speer load is an excellent one for short barrelled revolvers. In fact, I carry one daily and have it loaded with the 135 grain Speers.

Offline Mikey

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new SPEER135 GR Bullet for small 38 revolve
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2005, 02:48:06 AM »
Fellas - I have always felt that you lose something on your way down the bullet weight scale.  When the plus P loads came out they first looked good, then you found out that when they were fired from snubbies they lose a bunch of velocity and really didn't rate a '+P' designation.  Then later, when the first titanium shorties came out the load recommended wasn't even a plus P load, it was a standard pressure loading with a 125 grain bullet and the ballistics hardly took it beyond a 380.  

A 135 grain bullet isn't gonna do a lot more than a 125 grain bullet, even if it is a flying ashtray.  New powders or not, that 135 isn't going to clock all that fast.  In fact, the new Winchester 130 gn SXT managed to obtain 930'/sec from a 4" bbl, so you're going to have to reduce that a bit with a 2" bbl, but it was accurate.  OK, so from your M36, and I have the same revolver, this new ammo gets to about 875-900'/sec, if you're lucky.  

I'm not sold on those new loads, and since you are a reloader,  you might wish to consider a 200 gn swc for your snubbies - that is the only bullet I carry in either my M36 or M38 - they are accurate as all get out.  They go over a charge of 3.8 gn of WW231 for a measly 770'/sec from a 4" bbl (not a plus P load).  Col. Charles Askins favored this load in eihter the 38 Spl or the British 38-200, as it had a tendency to shoot through enemy troops (WWII) out to 25 yds.

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I carry them
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2005, 07:59:06 AM »
If you go to Speers website yu can download a 12 page? tech document that is usefull.  The idea behind the ammo is not increased velocity but improve dexpansion at lower velocity.  This ammo seems to achieve that.  Howver, research I have done indicates even the 125g +p GDs expand well out of a 2in snubby.  Guns and Ammo published an articel about 8 months ago called pocket full of dynomite.  This articel discussed several bullet types and the GDs fared well after passing thru all types of barriers.  The 158 gr FBI load did not!!  I personally carry GDs in all my carry guns (9mm, 38, 357, 45 acp).