Memorial Day turned out to be a perfect day for cannon firing, so, a few of us friends gathered, and after the traditional BBQ hot dog feast, we started setting up our back yard firing range. An Osvaldo Gatto Signal Cannon, 1 1/2" bore, an Ed Hart created .75 cal swivel cannon, a Wesley Pilly Hand Gonne, a "Thunder Cup" from Dom, couple of other assorted models, and best of all, a Mt. Howtizer made of Bronze, from the Irishman, Michael. They all took turns "speaking", and did a great job of it! However, that little Mt. Howitzer, at .69 cal, with a 1/2 oz of FG, spoke the clearest and nicest of them all! Thanks again, Michael! I will try to send pics, but don't have the equiptment to post em, sorry! BoomLover