For the children
The Second Amendment (your Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms) is about controlling the Business End of Government.
In the last century about 170 MILLION people were murdered by their own governments. The question is: do you want a repeat? The fact is that the Business End of Tyrannical and Oppressive Government hasn't changed - Governments still enslave, confiscate, steal, over tax, kill, rape, torture and mutilate. The only difference is that this time, you and your family will be tomorrows history lesson.
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to control Governments."Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". George WashingtonGet this straight. Nobody cares about your hunting and sporting "rights". If that's your argument, you don't have a clue about the 2nd Amendment. We are in a fight as to who has ultimate control of government, i.e., will "WE the People" retain the ultimate power of the sword to protect against government tyranny and oppression? Other arguments fall short.
The 2nd Amendment is about Government tyranny and oppression ... and your right to shoot back in defense (and yes, Senators Feinstein, Schumer, and Waxman, that includes those ugly black guns and 20 round magazines ...). It is a last resort when all else has failed - thus, the "ultimate power of the sword"
Ask yourself, if it was your husband and your family in the pit, would you have shot the Nazi? Now, you have met the 2nd Amendment.* FW Note:An interesting and disturbing web-site. Pretty much tells it like it is.