As i've mentioned many times before, catnip can enhance an already good cat lure if used in the correct amount for the formula being concocted. However, one must start out with a good musky formula and not drown out the milder smelling glands and musks by overpowering them with powerful catnip oil. It is said that cats like to rub the odors of other animals on their fur as a cover scent while hunting and stalking. Everyone seems educated about beaver castor as a great cat attractant as well as a universal attractant for all animal species. Beaver castor is great stuff but muskrat musk is even better. Slightly tainted muskrat glands/musk get the best response from cats and canines of any ingredient i've ever experimented with. Cats go crazy to rub it on their fur as do canines dig like crazy and roll and roll in it. When applying lures containing tainted 'rat glands, one must be sure the animals can't get at it to roll on before connecting with the trap pan. Other excellent musks are tonquin, civet, skunk and a few others musks, plant powders and essential oils that I keep secret so as to not give away my formulas. Ace