I concur that it is a gimmic gun and round, on par with the BFR 45-70's, and American Eagle 50 ae's. The other problem with this round is no other major handgun maker has a gun big enough to chamber the beast. No major ammo company will offer ammo for it, because the market isn't big enough.
The point of hunting with a handgun is to have something light and compact, which the new S&W decidely isn't. I've toted my 7 1/2" barreled SRH 480 in the field for several weeks last fall, and it is pushing the limits of what is a practicle gun in the field. Ain't no way I'd want something weighing 1/2 - 1 pound more
Recoil is also an issue. I've fired several 454's, 475's and 500's, though I've never lit off a Linebaugh long. I settled on the 480 because it is shootable, and launches a big heavy cast bullet at a reasonable speed, 400 gr @ 1200 fps or 460 gr @ 1050. I just don't seed the need for any more power then that on anything that the average guy will take with a handgun.
Sure there is alot of hype about the round, and sure lots of folks will just have to have that. That said, I venture the say that the folks using 454's, 480's, 475's and 500's aren't going to rush out and buy it for hunting. We already have sufficiently powerful rounds for the task at hand, and in guns that are practicle to toat in the field.
Now, put that bad boy in a lever gun, and then you'll have something new, 440 gr @ 1800+ fps