Talked to a driver of show trailer for PMC ( Semi Truck and Trailer) today he was parked next to the local gun shop for a sale they are having next weekend. ( This trailer is basically a gun and ammo store and show case in a semi trailer) He came early to see the country around here. One of the major brands is PMC for this trailer but they have other things too such as optics and guns ect for sale) I told him that they are missing out of a good sales opportunity if they made milsurp ammo for calibers as guys are really looking for it for their milsurps as factory ammo and reloadable components ect. I told him I would buy it just to get the reloadable brass. He told me that they are having enough problems makeing what they have now due to the war and getting materal for components due to the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. So a word to the wise folks you reload you may want to stock up of a few extra primers or powder and what ever brass and bullets you need. I have seen on a few sites guys saying components are going up in price and wondering if this is the reason. I guess it looks like that is the reason. JIm