What is the bore length?
Barrel length will be 16" overall, actual bore length will be 14", with the last 2" left solid.
Have you given any thought to sub-caliber powder chambering?
Yes, I'll be throwing 150grains of 1Fg BP and seeing how many ml it takes up, then drilling a chamber to fit that - like I said, I'll never be using more than 150 grains so it wouldn't be an issue.... If I used less, though - would that ruing the barrel like in a muzzleloader? Perhaps I'll forego the chamber.
What bore diameter? 1.0" or a true 1.052?
1", since that will be significantly easier to drill to the depth I need. (already have good bits, good reamers, etc., in this size)
What size ball? .990 or .995?
Thinking smaller than that to start, .975 or .980. Have to see what happens, before I think of sticking a tighter fitting ball down there.
Patched or not patched?
Not patched, again the idea of sticking a tightly fitted ball down a (smooth) bore doesn't make a whole lot of sense - no rifling to grip at first.
Firing Handheld or Mounted?
First few shots (and measurements, etc) will be mounted, so to speak. The design itself is for a stocked firearm, though.