Guys- I grew up in snake country. Not Rattlers- copperheads and cottonmouths. The cottonmouths have attitude. They are aggressive and will pursue you. My dad used to say I would never get snake bit 'cuase I looked at the ground everywhere I went, but would get kicked in the head from walking up behind a horse. Neither has happened yet.
I worked for the USFS in the Gila Wilderness back in '77. Lots of rattlers. When I found one in the trail or where is was working, I would just take a stick and flip him out of the way. Get back on my horse (he refused to go around them) and proceed on my way.
The rule now is: if they are in the yard, they are dead; in the woods, I just walk around 'em. Don't want to make a fuss and noise, 'cause I hunting mostof the time. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't bother. The bottom line - we'd be covered up in rodents if we didn't have snakes. I have the same innate fear as most humans, but I know the destruction rats & mice cause. I see both sides, but killin' em in the wild, just doesn't make much sense to me. Owls & hawks get more than you ever could and you might be depriving some baby redtail of supper. DD