Anyone who releases poisonous snakes into the wild is definetly kooky to me,and those people that were releasing wolves years ago are called federal wildlife biologists and they had about as much sense as you do,thats why ranchers are allowed to shoot them again and soon they will be dellisted so I can.Ill bet you have never lost a $1300 dollar steer or a $3000 dollar horse due to a bite from one of your little "pets" have you?I am so scared of them i make a couple trips every summer to look for them,and kill them,it scares the hell out of me just thinking about it!LOLThere is nothin sad about it i enjoy every rattler I kill!We kill them to protect our stock,pets and children,and around here you would be just as popular as those feds are,you raise them for profit and release the rejects into the wild to polute the native reptiles with your genetic mutations,you are a KOOK!