The best course of action is obviously to sight it in on a calm day. This is assuming your are going to rotate the scope so that you shoot with the crosshairs plum to the world. When you do this, the only variable is the actual offset. If you can measure the offset, then it's simply a linear relationship. If the scope ends up being 1/2" left (assuming a RH position) and the rifle is zeroed at 40 meters, this would be the relationship:
Meters Inches Clicks (% Offset)
40 0.00 0 0.0%
60 0.25 1 50.0%
77 0.46 2 92.5%
100 0.75 3 150.0%
Impact would be left, needing right clicks (calculated at 4 per minute). I would say 1/2" is an exageration, but who knows. See Dave's reply above!