Author Topic: Snoopy Virus  (Read 1184 times)

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Offline thomas

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Snoopy Virus
« on: February 18, 2003, 06:30:45 PM »
I have been sent the Snoopy Virus twice from the forum Beware.
It came as <greybeard>@greybeardoutdoors   Or something close
norton caught it and quaratined it.

Offline Graybeard

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Snoopy Virus
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2003, 06:28:35 AM »
You CANNOT get a virus from this site. It doesn't operate from a PC environment and therefore cannot transmit a virus to you from the site. Nothing spelled with an E in the word Graybeard came from this site or from me. It will ALWAYS have an A not E in the word.

E-mails transmitting virus are seldom from the person you THINK they are from. Most of the virus hide the true identity of the sender and MOST are sent from computers of persons who don't even know they have them. That is because far too many of you are running no virus protection or are not keeping it up to date. Norton is the best. McAfee probably close behind but usually behind from what I understand. I run Norton and up date it each night before I shut down and each morning before doing anything else. If you'd do the same it is HIGHLY unlikely you'll ever get a virus.

You can see who the e-mail REALLY came from by checking it's properties. If you use Outlook Express as your mail client as I do you accomplish that by right clicking on the e-mail and selecting PROPERTIES at the bottom of the pop up menu. Then click on Details from the two tabs available to you. At the very top of the details you'll see the e-mail address of the person who really sent you the virus laden e-mail.

I can assure you that no matter what the subject and no matter what the apparent address you'll never find it came from me or any other GBO address. All outgoing e-mail from me or GBO is checked for viruses by Norton before transmission. In addition in my personal address book the address at the top is a false address that will kick back to me should a virus somehow sneak by Norton and infect my computer. When it starts to auto send itself I'll be notified of a failure to send to that address and that will then clue me I'm infected. Again I suggest everyone do this as a furhter precaution.

E-mail addresses are not available from these forums. You'll notice your e-mail address doesn't show anywhere. This is to prevent SPAM BOTS from coming in and pulling your address from this site to send you anything whether it be SPAM or viruses. This is a protection we offer to all who use our site. If you use the build in e-mail or PM features of the site you are sending your e-mail thru our server as if it were a post to the forums and should offer you the same virus protection as do posts here. They aren't operating in a PC environment and can't transmit the Windows or MAC viruses that could otherwise get you. We also do not use ACTIV-X on this site which is another manner in which viruses get into your computer. I don't even allow ACTIV-X to reach my computer. I have that function shut down totally on mine.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline BeverlyHillbilly

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Re: Snoopy Virus
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2003, 01:22:19 PM »
You can view the headers of the offending email message to aide in determining the origin of the email/virus.  Most of the time, these viruses spoof the origin or transmit themselves from the actual infected machine, thereby bypassing the need for a smtp server to launch themselves on (they use the infected host for smtp).  

The 'snoopy' virus that I have read about is pretty rare and has a payload for Linux users.  Many Linux users don't run virus software, despite the continuing growth of viruses for this platform.  If I am not mistaken, the 'snoopy' virus would need to come from a Linux infected host machine and could only come from the PC/Windows via somebody spreading this virus manually.  Since I have not encountered this particular virus, I am not sure of the symptoms of an infected machine, the payload, or how it spreads itself.    

We should always thank ourselves for having up to date virus protection.  They sure have saved many possible issues.   Too bad they couldn't stop the SQL Server 2000 virus a few weeks back, that one had the majority of my T3 line tied up with network traffic generated.

Quote from: thomas
I have been sent the Snoopy Virus twice from the forum Beware.
It came as <greybeard>@greybeardoutdoors   Or something close
norton caught it and quaratined it.

Offline thomas

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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2003, 02:14:02 PM »
I just had Norton Quarantine and delete it.
Some one playing games
As a matter of fact the email reads something like this

"This is a new game  for me and you are the first to see it."

I know I am NOT the only person on this forum who recieved this.
 Too bad their are  people who find it funny  to send viruses.


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Thank You Graybeard
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2003, 02:58:06 PM »
GB...Thanks for the info on your site security.. I know much less about computers than guns, and appreciate the insight..on  both..

When I sign on most evenings, my wife comments "Graybeard again dear??"

Your site is tops in my book, for a nice blend of info and humor, and I am sure that there are forums that I have not seen yet.

Please keep up the Great Job..

Thanks,  Rol
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Offline helobill

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Snoopy Virus
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2003, 03:34:59 PM »
Holy Cow Graybeard, never figured you for a computer guy! (Okay you gotta know something about it to run the site of course) But that was a better explanation than I get from my contracted IT guys at a military headquarters. I'm impressed!
Helicopter Bill

Offline Graybeard

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Snoopy Virus
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2003, 07:38:48 PM »
Hey if we ever get the dang building inspectors to approve the renovation work I'll be the manager of a computer store as my real job.  :)

We thought we were gonna open this past Monday. Now they are saying ain't no way they will look at it until Friday and no promises on that date.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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