Jennings/Bryco, in ANY caliber, never seen one that could get thru a magazine without jamming. And past five feet, good luck hitting anything.
I'm convinced that at three feet, pointing it at a bad guy's navel, you'd miss him.
And as more proof that everyone's experiences are different, Old Griz's luck with the 40 EAA Witness is exactly the opposite of my own. I bought the first one I ever saw, paid $350 out the door, and the only time it has ever jammed was after 700+ rounds without being cleaned. I've loaded ammo too long, too short, tried every weird bullet profile I could find, it feeds everything I stuff into it. In just under 33,000 rounds, it's been as reliable as the morning sun. It does have one quirk, though. If I load ammo too hot, with heavy bullets, the recoil will sometimes put on the safety in the middle of the string. My answer to that was too modify my grip so my thumb rests on the safety, so it can't. Factory ammo has never tied it up, but my hot pin-loads will if I get too frisky with the powder, and overload it. But as long as I stick with standard-pressure loads, it does fine. A buddy of mine once looked over the too-long and too-short rounds I was feeding it, and decided if I could find a way to stuff gravel in to the magazine, it'd probably feed that too!