You are really limited to porro prisms at that price point to acquire a decent view. If you could just spend $50 more you could get a lot better glass, some even phase-corrected roofs. The Bushnell Legend 8x42mm porros are about your best bet. Bushnell 7x50mm Marine porros are another option. The Minolta Classic Sport 8x42mm porros are surprisingly servicable at $80.
Audubon Intrepid 8x40mm $119
Bushnell Legend 8x42mm porros $104
Bushnell 7x50mm Marine porros $108
Minolta Activa WP FP 7x35mm $125
Minolta Classic Sport 8x42mm porros $80
Minolta Activa WP FP 8x40mm porros $130
Minolta Activa WP FP 7x50mm porros $130
Nikon 7x35 Action Extreme porros $130
Pentax 8 x 40 PCF WP II porros $119