Sounds like I'm doing about the same thing your doing execpt I'm shooting cans.....Nothing like the joy of bouncing a tin can around....(except now they're aluminum)..........The Tech Force 99 is really starting to come in.......over 1000 pellets down the bore and I'm hitting more than I'm missing.......some where between 750 and 1000 pellets the gun decided to start shooting. I was starting to worry!
What I really like about the air gun, is that although I only live 15 minutes from the range, I can take the air rifle out in the pasture down by the barn and plink to my hearts content.........usually run 50 or more down the bore every afternoon........
We've had a week or so of hot weather, but for the most part, a very nice spring........matter of fact, high of 82 today.........74 at 7pm.....very nice!