The cheap little Ambassador is a great reel. I have used them for many years. I don't know if you have been around them much, but you might want to think about whether to get a Left-hand reel or a right-hand reel. Most people grow up using an open-face spinning reel, with these, you cast with your right hand, and reel with your left. A right-handed Bait-caster is the oposite. So what happens with right handed people and a right handed reel, is that you will cast with your right hand, and then switch it to the left hand to crank the reel with your right. A left-handed reel is cast with the right and you continue to crank with your left hand. I have seen too many times fishing Steelhed, the fish hits the moment the bait hits the water, and I was busy switching hands and didn't get the fish.
After getting used to using it, you can still use your old Spinning reel with-out fumbling.