My friend in Australia did a fair amount of pre-scouting for buffalo prior to my arrival in the Northern Territory. He had taken 4 buff's with friends in the few months since moving there. I got mine on the second day and nearly took a second one on day four. On day five my friend from Spain came in and he got lucky on day one and pulled the trigger on the 416 Rigby at 30 yards. We watched in amazement as his bull and the rest of the herd ran into the thick cover after the shot in the front shoulder. We found him an hour later, standing, and waiting for us. It took two more shots to set it down for good. It also made the sci book. It was a true hunting experience, saw lots of poisonous snakes, dingos, and plenty of fires that were set to burn off the high grass before the wet season. We hunted a few more days for scrub bulls but could only find ones with ear tags. I plan to go back over this spring to hunt with them again, this time for hog deer in Victoria. Take care,