Author Topic: Are Remington 70 ADL, BDL and Police parts interchangeable?  (Read 433 times)

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Offline eddiesa223

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Will a remington 700 adl or bdl parts eg trigger ,bolt or other parts be fitted to the new Rem 700P if it is of similar case of emergency and no parts around? Thanks.

Offline JPSaxMan

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Are Remington 70 ADL, BDL and Police parts
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 04:23:06 AM »
Hmm... :?

Don't necessarily know if it would be the brightest thing to do, but if there were an emergency I'm sure the bolts (assuming both were meant for the same action) would work fine, triggers most likely, the stocks would either not work or have a gaping hole in them depending which stock you pulled the gun from. So maybe they would, but I wouldn't do it to be safe.  :(

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Offline Yukon Jack

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Are Remington 70 ADL, BDL and Police parts
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2005, 10:54:04 AM »
A bolt out of one rifle into another may not headspace correctly.  I wouldn't try it unless I had the headspace checked for both bolts.  Of course, magazine and bottom metal is different for the ADL vs. BDL, not sure about the P or CDL.

In lieu of getting extra components, I'd get extra of what is most likely to be damaged.  Extractor, springs, etc... instead of an additional bolt, magazine, stocks, etc...

Then again, if for use as an emergency type rifle, I wouldn't go with a Remington to start with.  Too many instances of bolt handles popping off, extractors breaking, AD's and the like for that.