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Minnesotans - Read This
« on: February 20, 2003, 06:31:56 PM »
MPPA ,Minnesota Personal Protection Act,  Hearing Update

(Repost Far and Wide)

This MPPA message contains a lot of information, so it is important to read
it all.

First.  The MPPA is scheduled to be heard before the House Judiciary Policy
and Finance Committee on Wednesday 2/26 beginning at 10:15 to about noon.
 This is a major hearing and we would like to see everyone who can manage
the morning off to attend.   Rep. Steve Smith will chair the meeting.  He
is a very strong MPPA supporter.  We expect the bill to pass, Nevertheless
our opposition has been active over the past week in communicating with both
House and Senate membership.  It is time we pick up the pace.  

The members of the committee you need to call are:

Chair: Steve Smith (R)       A   296-9188
Vice Chair: Rob Eastlund (R)    A   296-5364
Lead-DFL: Mary Murphy (DFL)    A   296-2676
Jeff Anderson (R)       ?   296-4193
Greg Blaine (R)       A   296-4247
Doug Fuller (R)       A   296-5516
Eric Lipman (R)       A   296-4244
Doug Meslow (R)       B   296-5363
Duke Powell (R)       ?   296-4212
Jim Rhodes (R)       D   296-9889
Judy Soderstrom (R)       A   296-0518
Steve Strachan (R)       A   296-1069
Dale Walz (R)          A   296-4333
Keith Ellison (DFL)       D   296-8659
Debra Hilstrom (DFL)       F   296-3709
Bill Hilty (DFL)       D   296-4308
Sheldon Johnson (DFL)    F   296-4201
John Lesch (DFL)       ?   296-4224
Michael Paymar (DFL)       F   296-4199
Cy Thao (DFL)          F   296-5158
ex-officio Jim Knoblach (R)    A   296-6316

Once through the Judiciary Policy committee the MPPA will go to the Ways
and Means committee in the house before moving to the floor.

Whats happening with the MPPA

For years we have challenged gun control advocates to walk their talk.  We
have suggested that, if they really believe that severely limiting or banning
firearms will make them safer, then they should be willing to put a sign
reading GUN FREE HOME in the window of their residences.  As you might expect,
no one has taken us up on the offer  

We have been challenge by gun control advocates and representatives of Minnesotas
education establishment to amend the MPPA to ban guns in schools. This would
be like putting a No Guns: Kill at Will sign in every school in the state.
 It will advertise to every terrorist, every criminal, and every deranged
lunatic, that Minnesota schools will be more vulnerable targets then they
are today.  We believe this is bad public policy and WILL put your, and my,
children at greater risk then they are today.  This is political correctness
and so-called zero tolerance run amuck.  

In working with law enforcement on this legislation they advanced the long
accepted principle that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.
 We agree.  For all the years I have been involved with this issue, Permits
to Carry have been, and continue to be, valid in schools, churches, recreations
centers, sporting venues throughout the state without incident.  Interestingly
enough, the second annual report released by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
confirms that Minnesota already has over 12,000 permit holders, and yet there
has not been a single permit holder arrested for using a firearm in the commission
of a crime.  Making permits invalid in school is an ill-conceived solution
looking for a problem.

Shall issue permit systems guarantee equal treatment under the law and provide
a deterrent against criminal activity.  According to the FBI, shall issue
states had a 29% lower violent crime rate last year than non-shall issue
states.  Shall issue states are also over-represented at the safer end of
the violent crime continuum.  In other words, safer states strongly tend
to be shall issue states, while the most dangerous states tend to be the
few states that still limit or prohibit permits.  

But the deterrent is only valuable where it is known to exist.  In every
facility in which permit holders are denied access, there is an increased
likelihood of an attack, by providing, and announcing, a defense-free zone
for criminals and terrorists.

Our representatives and senators will be lobbied to make venue after venue,
facility after facility into a so-called gun free zone.  In truth such rules
will ONLY affect the innocent, since criminals and terrorists will ignore
them.  It will also severely reduce the deterrent value that shall issue
has been shown to produce.  

If the legislature allows banning permit holders in schools, two things are
certain.  First, schools will not be safer just because a permit holder is
no longer allowed to carry a gun into a school; they are not a threat in
the first place, as the record has shown.  Second, should a school become
a target of terrorists or even a psychotic student, then the gun control
advocates, Minnesotas education establishment, and legislators are going
to have to take a share of responsibility for the consequences.

We need to let legislators know that it is unacceptable to create such defense
free zones.  
Finally, our opposition will be working hard to pile killer amendments onto
the MPPA.  We must communicate to our elected representatives that we are
watching and we will expect them to vote down such amendments.

In the Senate

DFL Senate leadership is still controlled by a small group of inner city
Metrocrats who are taking a Hunker Down approach that can only hurt them
in the long run.  Unfortunately these actions will also block legislation
supported by a majority of Minnesotans (and a majority of Senators).   So
what are they doing?

Changing the rules in the middle of the game

Sabotaging Senate rule 5.2.  This rule normally allows a majority (34) of
the Senators to pull a piece of legislation from a committee to the floor
of the Senate and allow the whole Senate to vote on the measure.  The rule
is rarely successfully used.  However, its design is an important check on
Committee Chairs holding legislation hostage or attempting to kill popular

DFL Senate leadership and Metrocrats fear legislation like the MPPA so  they
are changing the rule, proposing that it require a super majority (41 votes)
to pull a bill from committee to the floor.  In a closely divided Senate,
this effectively allows the Metrocrats to kill any bill in committee.

Hiding from the public  

Under the guise of budget cuts, the DFL Senate leadership has decided to
black out ALL public television broadcasts of their proceedings, effective
March 17!

Sequestering of the Senate --

Under the guise of budget cuts the DFL Senate leadership has decided to cut
off access to Senators during floor sessions by eliminating the pages.  In
the past, pages have taken notes to senators requesting that they step out
of the chamber to visit with citizens and lobbyists.  During floor fights
to pass legislation, access to senators can be critical in the tactical battles
to win a legislative victory.  Without pages, there is no way to get messages
to senators.  We can only hope that Senate Republicans donate staff time,
arrange for student interns or spend money from their caucus budget to restore
access to our elected representatives.

Summary --

We have been told that the Senate is going to hear the MPPA in committee.
 We have not been told when or where.  Never mind the committees are stacked
against us.  Never mind any changes to the bill in the senate will trigger
a conference committee in which the MPPA will die.  

What has really surprised us is that at least one DFL Senator who has in
the past been a supporter has threatened to vote against the MPPA if it arrives
on the floor though any other process other than the senate committee process.
 It causes us to wonder.  So far, DFL senators have been unwilling to make
any move that could be seen as supporting passage of the MPPA  other than
trying to take control of the bill from Sen. Pariseau.  Its been all talk
and no walk

We believe it is time to let these Senators know that this type of game playing
is unbecoming.  We need to encourage them (politely but FIRMLY) to PASS THE
 Tell them you will support them for passing the undiluted MPPA.  And that
you will NOT support them if they play political games.  Below are the Senators
you should write or call (again be positive yet firm):

Dallas C. Sams      11   A+   
David Tomassoni           05      A
Gary W. Kubly      20   A
Jim Vickerman      22   A
Keith Langseth      09   A
Leroy Stumpf      01   A
Rod Skoe      02   A
Thomas (Tom) Bakk   06   A
Tom Saxhaug      03   B

You can get contact information from:

"Friend, I would not hurt thee for the world; but you are standing where I am about to shoot."

I AM THE NRA...........Life Member.

Offline Eric N.

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Minnesotans - Read This
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2003, 05:38:20 PM »
I watched the House Committee for HF261 on TV Feb. 11th. It passed 8 to 4.Thats a good start! I will try to make it on wednsday.

Offline Hud

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Minnesotans - Read This
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2003, 04:48:11 AM »
CCRN Update

Repost Far and Wide

We have received several requests for a complete list of MPPA supporter (this
list also includes to Senate fence sitter). It is important that these elected
officials begin to receive a consistent and constant (once a week) email
or phone call of support.  Please remember to always be polite yet firm in
your desire to see the MPPA pass.  Be sure to adopt your house or senate
member.  If your representative or senators are not listed contact them all!!!!
 So keep this list and use it often.  Thanks we need your help.

We are editing a MPPA Update tonight. It will be sent out tomorrow.

Dist.   Grade   Representative      Phone (651)
01B   A   Lieder, Bernie (DFL)    296-5091
02B   A   Lindgren, Doug (R)    296-4265
03A   A   Anderson, Irv (DFL)    296-4936
04A   A   Fuller, Doug (R)    296-5516
04B   A   Howes, Larry (R)    296-2451
05A   A   Rukavina, Tom (DFL)    296-0170
05B   A   Sertich, Anthony (DFL)    296-0172
06A   A   Dill, David (DFL)    296-2190
08B   A   Soderstrom, Judy (R)    296-0518
09B   A   Marquart, Paul (DFL)    296-6829
10A   A   Nornes, Bud (R)    296-4946
11A   A   Westrom, Torrey (R)    296-4929
11B   A   Otremba, Mary Ellen (D) 296-3201
12A   A   Walz, Dale (R)       296-4333
12B   A   Blaine, Greg (R)    296-4247
13A   A   Heidgerken, Bud (R)    296-4317
13B   A   Juhnke, Al (DFL)    296-6206
14A   A   Severson, Dan (R)    296-7808
14B   A   Stang, Doug (R)    296-4373
15A   A   Knoblach, Jim (R)    296-6316
16A   A   Erickson, Sondra (R)    296-6746
16B   A   Olson, Mark (R)    296-4237
17A   A   Eastlund, Rob (R)    296-5364
18A   A   Kielkucki, Tony (R)    296-1534
18B   A   Urdahl, Dean (R)    296-4344
19A   A   Anderson, Bruce (R)    296-5063
19B   A   Borrell, Dick (R)    296-4336
21A   A   Seifert, Marty (R)    296-5374
21B   A   Finstad, Brad (R)    296-9303
22B   A   Harder, Elaine (R)    296-5373
23A   A   Swenson, Howard (R)    296-8634
24A   A   Gunther, Bob (R)    296-3240
25A   A   Brod, Laura (R)       296-4229
26A   A   Ruth, Connie (R)    296-5368
27A   A   Dorman, Dan (R)    296-8216
27B   A   Anderson, Jeff (R)    296-4193
28A   A   Dempsey, Jerry (R)    296-8635
29B   A   Bradley, Fran (R)    296-9249
30B   A   Kuisle, William (R)    296-4378
31B   A   Davids, Gregory (R)    296-9278
32A   A   Lindner, Arlon (R)    296-7806
33B   A   Sykora, Barb (R)    296-4315
34A   A   Kohls, Paul (R)    296-4282
34B   A   Hoppe, Joe (R)       296-5066
35B   A   Buesgens, Mark (R)    296-5185
36A   A   Holberg, Mary Liz (R)    296-6926
37A   A   Gerlach, Chris (R)    296-5506
37B   A   Ozment, Dennis (R)    296-4306
38A   A   Wilkin, Tim (R)    296-3533
40A   A   Powell, Duke (R)    296-4212
41B   A   Seagren, Alice (R)    296-7803
42A   A   Adolphson, Peter (R)    296-3964
42B   A   Paulsen, Erik (R)    296-7449
43A   A   Johnson, Jeff (R)    296-5511
43B   A   Abrams, Ron (R)    296-9934
47A   A   Haas, Bill (R)       296-5513
47B   A   Olsen, Stephanie (R)    296-4280
48A   A   Hackbarth, Tom (R)    296-2439
48B   A   Abeler, Jim (R)    296-1729
49B   A   Tingelstad, Kathy (R)    296-5369
51A   A   Westerberg, Andrew (R)   296-4226
52B   A   Otto, Rebecca (DFL)    296-3018
53A   A   Krinkie, Philip (R)    296-2907
54B   A   Jacobson, Carl (R)    296-7153
56A   A   Lipman, Eric (R)    296-4244
56B   A   Klinzing, Karen (R)    296-1147
24B   A    Cornish, Tony (R)    296-4240
01A   A+   Penas, Maxine (R)    296-9635
06B   A+   Murphy, Mary (DFL)    296-2676
26B   A+   Boudreau, Lynda (R)    296-8237
28B   A+   Sviggum, Steve (R)    296-2273
32B   A   Zellers, Kurt (R)    296-5502
33A   A+   Smith, Steve (R)    296-9188
03B   B   Solberg, Loren (DFL)    296-2365
10B   B   Simpson, Dean (R)    296-4293
17B   B   Nelson, Peter (R)    296-5377
30A   B   Nelson, Carla (R)    296-0573
31A   B   Pelowski, Gene (DFL)    296-8637
35A   B   Beard, Michael (R)    296-8872
36B   B   Strachan, Steve (R)    296-1069
38B   B   Wardlow, Lynn (R)    296-4128
45A   B   Osterman, Lynne (R)    296-4176
49A   B   DeLaForest, Chris (R)    296-4231
50B   B   Samuelson, Char (R)    296-0141
52A   B   Vandeveer, Ray (R)    296-4124
53B   B   Meslow, Doug (R)    296-5363
02A   C   Eken, Kent (DFL)    296-9918
Dist.   Grade   Senator             Phone (651)

1   A   Stumpf, LeRoy A.    296-8660
2   A   Skoe, Rod        296-4196
5   A   Tomassoni, David J.    296-8017
6   A   Bakk, Thomas M.            296-8881
9   A   Langseth, Keith     296-3205
20   A   Kubly, Gary W.       296-5094
22   A   Vickerman, Jim        296-5650
   Use Mail Form
4   A   Ruud, Carrie L.       296-4913
10   A   Larson, Cal        296-5655
12   A   Koering, Paul E.    296-4875
14   A   Fischbach, Michelle L.    296-2084
15   A   Kleis, Dave        296-6455
16   A   Wergin, Betsy L.    296-8075
17   A   Nienow, Sean R.            296-5419
18   A   Dille, Steve        296-4131
19   A   Ourada, Mark        296-5981
21   A   Frederickson, Dennis R.    296-8138
24   A   Rosen, Julie A.       296-5713
25   A   Neuville, Thomas M.    296-1279
26   A   Day, Dick        296-9457
29   A   Senjem, David H.    296-3903
31   A   Kierlin, Bob        296-5649
32   A   Limmer, Warren             296-2159
33   A   Olson, Gen        296-1282
34   A   Ortman, Julianne E.    296-4837
35   A   Robling, Claire A.    296-4123
36   A   Pariseau, Pat         296-5252
37   A   Knutson, David L.    296-4120
41   A   Michel, Geoff         296-6238
42   A   Hann, David         296-1749
43   A   Gaither, David         296-4314
48   A   Jungbauer, Michael J.    296-3733
49   A   Johnson, Debbie J.    296-3219
52   A   Bachmann, Michele     296-4351
53   A   Reiter, Mady         296-1253
56   A   LeClair, Brian         296-4166
11   A+   Sams, Dallas C.        297-8063
3   B   Saxhaug, Tom        296-4136
27   B   Sparks, Dan        296-9248
40   D   Belanger, Jr., William    296-5975
38   D   McGinn, Mike         297-8073
"Friend, I would not hurt thee for the world; but you are standing where I am about to shoot."

I AM THE NRA...........Life Member.