I'm posting this question on this forum because I know there are NEF and H&R folks here; the same question on a forum for trap shooting might get laughed off.
I am mostly interested (currently) in Cowboy Action Shooting, but have been a target shooter for many years. I recently started shooting a little Trap also. My first shotgun was a 12Ga. High Standard pump. Out of 25 shots I can consistently hit 18 or 19. I decided to try a single-shot gun and since my money (except for the High Standard) is tied up in CAS guns, I bought a 12Ga. NEF Pardner with a 32" barrel. I like the way it shoots but I'm having trouble getting as many hits as I do with my High Standard. The Pardner is a Full CHoke and is fixed; the High Standard is also fixed but is a Modified Choke.
I can't justify spending the money to buy a high priced Trap gun (considering my current focus - CAS) and firmly believe that "you learn to shoot what you've got". That being said, I am thinking that one of the differences between my two shotguns is the choke. Full choke provides a tighter pattern and therefore demands greater accuracy on my part to break the clay. Here's my question; is there an optimum point/distance at which to hit the clay. In other words, does the clay tend to "float" at some point in its arc where it is the best target and offers the best chance of a hit when using a tighter choke. I'm thinking that letting the clay get farther away when using a tighter choke might actually be a benefit.
What do you think.
Thanks, JR