I went to this method myself after not being able to retrieve many of these disposable stakes, especially in extremely hard or frozen ground. A good location is generally good year after year unless something very dramatic alters the immediately vacinity around the set location. I set up a lot of intersections of fencerows, edges between tree and weedy draws, etc. and the set locations are generally good year to year with only slight modifications needed each year to remake them. Switching to high grade cable and a quick attach/detach method such as a decent set of rings was just the ticket for me to prevent having to purchase and replace new disposable stakes season after season.
I have one location on an implement roadway between two fields that has been a hot spot consistently for 5 straight seasons, and it still has the same disposable anchoring system in the ground from the last season...waiting for me to check on it next year and reattach another trap. I'm not sure how many seasons you can push the life on a cable like that. We have cold, wet, hot, and humid conditions all throughout the year. So far so good but I may replace that one this year just because I'm not sure at what point things rust away or corrode off enough to weaken the system.
Anyone else have thoughts on how long you can go reusing a disposable stake that is left in the ground for several seasons like this one has been?