I do not trust politicians,pure and simple.As a matter of fact,my disliking for them is so strong,some might call it hate.
I was always taught ---never argue Religion or Politics,there is a reason for that,no one wins and someones feelings seem to always get hurt.
It is for the that reason,I will delete any political posts that come up.
I have locked the post informing dealers of the change in regulations for the upcoming NTA convention.DO NOT and I repeat,DO NOT turn those into a political thing by starting another post.
I do not care who or whom was responsible for getting the job done,I only care that now I can bring all my otter lures,my fisher lures and bobcat lures to the national convention,and sell them.
I also do not care who you vote for in the upcoming NTA election,what I do care about---is that you are a member and that you vote.
I try to keep things here on as even a keel as I can,it is up to all of you ,to help me do that.