Author Topic: POLITICIANS BEWARE  (Read 431 times)

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Offline Bogmaster

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« on: July 14, 2005, 07:23:00 AM »
I do not trust politicians,pure and simple.As a matter of fact,my disliking for them is so strong,some might call it hate.
 I was always taught ---never argue Religion or Politics,there is a reason for that,no one wins and someones feelings seem to always get hurt.
 It is for the that reason,I will delete any political posts that come up.
 I have locked the post informing dealers of the change in regulations for the upcoming NTA convention.DO NOT and I repeat,DO NOT turn those into a political thing by starting another post.
 I do not care who or whom was responsible for getting the job done,I only care that now I can bring all my otter lures,my fisher lures and bobcat lures to the national convention,and sell them.
 I also do not care who you vote for in the upcoming NTA election,what I do care about---is that you are a member and that you vote.
 I try to keep things here on as even a keel as I can,it is up to all of you ,to help me do that.
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline jim-NE

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« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 02:07:02 PM »
Well stated, Tom. Religion and politics will always be open and subject to opinion, emotion, viewpoints, too many factors and influences to mention here.
Best to keep things focused on the forum's subject matter. Its similar to the philosophy at the bank that I work for. Our customers come from all backgrounds and walks of life. There is no merit in taking a position on a political or religious matter. You could lose just as many customers as you may gain by taking such a stance or stating something in an official position capacity. Its also just not much directly related to the business we are in, so why even go there.
Thanks again for being a good, well-seasoned captain of this ship, and keeping things on course for the good of all.

Offline danny clifton

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« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 10:30:33 PM »
Dang it Tom I was getting ready to warm up my typing finger. Anyway when have you ever seen two trappers disagree on politics?? You know most of us are either Dems Or Reps.  Nta current admin backers or reformers, catholic or protestant. So whats the problem? LMAO.