After doing a little more research I have found out that the scope that jeager106 purchased was an outdated, discontinued model that Pyramyd Air must have had sitting around in their warehouse for quite some time. The AR31250 was discontinued over a year ago(along with the rest of the old line of rifle scopes from BSA) and that is why they are not on the current web site or in their 2005 catalog. Manufactured back before BSA completely overhauled their manufacturing process. This is why I always say before buying an air rifle scope from any dealer, check them out first with the manufacture and you wont end up getting burnt. In this case "jeager106" really hasn't got a reason to complain as the dealer, Pyramyd Air, is making everything right for him. Lawdog
Ahh, haahhhhhhhh! The Dealer is at fault for building the cheap scope! :evil:
Seriously, that was very, very useful information. So the dealer had scopes that aren't built anymore and that's probably why he's going to refund the bucks.
At least he SAYS he is.
But I do have reason to complain. We don't ahve to stand for inferior quality.
We work hard for our $$$ and we deserve the right to EXPECT QUALITY.
If we settle for sending junk back as a matter of every day life I doubt quality would every improve.
After years of builfing junk cars our domestic auto makers got thier arses kicked by foreighn makers that built better and better vehicle.
Today GM struggles to try and stay even with Toyota in quality.
GM lost its domestic market share of a whopping 67% in the late '60's to struggle to maintain 25.5% today.
We do not have to settle fo inferior quality. FROM ANYONE.
Thanks for the information.
I'm looking hard at a Burris 4X12.