I have a problem. I'm looking for something new, but I just am not sure what to buy. I have a Contender with a 22 match, 7x30 waters and 30-30 barrels. I'm looking for the next logical addition to the family. I love the 22 and 7x30 barrels, but after that I'm not sure where to go. I got rid of a 375 JDJ because it just kicked a little too much. I may decide to get rid of the 30-30 as well although it is a decent barrel, since my 7x30 will pretty much takes care of all the deer size hunting that I want to do. I don't do much varminting, or hunting big game over mule deer size. Swap the 30-30 for a 35? 223? 256? I'm interested in hearing opinions on this one.