game wardens , I was in a blind on a river with a friend when a boat came at the blind at full speed , now keep in mind these guys were not dressed like or in any way IDed as game wardens or any other type LEO ! the blind was on an island ( mud flat ) . the guy in the front of the boat jumped out when the boat slid up on the mud , runs over to the blind and jerks the door open to which he sees my 12 ga. pointed at him ! he says drop the gun I'm a game warden , to which i say ya don't look like one ( his buddy says see i told you this was a bad idea ) . he goes back to his boat to get his badge and ID and shows me . Now he wanted to throw the book at me for pointing the gun at him but his buddy pointed out it would be thrown out of court , we were legal in every way ( i consider self protection legal ) so no tickets were written . the buddy and i talked for a while and the first warden lightened up in the end every body was ok !
I really didn't get pissed or anything for them trying to catch poachers , they had already got two groups that morning with illegal ducks .. but it was stupid to rush the blind with out ID . he could have held up his ID as he jumped from the boat or opened the door . to be honest i didn't even consider him to be a GW until he said something !
in the same county on an island we were deer hunting , another group was up stream at the airport making a once a year hunt at the airport to thin the deer that walk out on runway . Now this is a big event with over 50 deer being killed each year . all the land around the area is posted , i had permission to hunt 400 ac. we didn't know of the hunt at the air port , so we are making drives and doing quite well when i see a GW talking to my dad , another one talking to another of our group , then a guy with running pants , tee shirt , running shoes , a badge , a gun and a radio pops out at full speed and heads for me . He runs up and says GOT YA ! SO I ASK FOR WHAT ? he say hunting on posted land so i show him written permission , which ruins his whole day . they just knew we were illegal , had spotted us from the air , one was a reg. warden , one a captain and a Sargent , after that it got to the point they would come in to check and see it was me and just wave , The capt. later told me every time i showed up to hunt some one would call and complain ! lots of anties in area !