The plus package includes a 32 mb SD card. One thing to remember is that you MUST use their SD card reader...something about it coding the card. You can only code five cards per machine. Those five cards, however, you can erase and then put a another map on them.
Called Lowrance yesterday and Derek told me that he has used SD cards up to 1 gig!!! How much memory a map takes is up to the size of the area, as well as, the number of "layers" of information you have on it. About 27 megs gives me all the layers minus the USGS quads for 3/4 of the state of ND.
VictorCharlie, if you have a specific map you want to know the size of, let me know. All you have to do is "box" the area you want to map and click a tab and it will estimate the amount of memory needed.