Hello Buckfever, My friend is buying a Harley Motorcyle, big mistake, and he is selling some of his guns to pay for the bike...The one gun he is selling is a Ruger 77 International in a 308 cal. with a 2.5 Leopold scope.. Both are in exellent condition. This is an older style , with the tang saftey, better quality, and i like the position of the saftey compared to the new types, your thumb is right there, you dont have to look for or feel for the saftey....I think he wants 600.oo for the complete package, rifle,scope ,rings,sling, and i think any left over ammo. This is a great gun, very short and light to carry, just right for the condition here in PA. I used to own this gun, and i liked it soo much, i bought a Colt Sauer barreled action,had the barrel cut to 18in, and had a famous gun maker complete the gun much like this Ruger. I now have 6200.oo in this gun....But anyway, if intereted in his Ruger, please e-mail me at bruce581@comcast.net......Thanks,,,,Bruce...