Author Topic: Refinishing the stock on a BDL  (Read 539 times)

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Refinishing the stock on a BDL
« on: July 28, 2005, 12:11:24 PM »
Question:  Has anyone refinished the stock on their BDL to give it a low gloss finish?  I like the way the Monte Carlo and cheek piece fit me, but I'd like to strip the gloss finish if I can.  Anyone done it?  Anything particular to consider when doing the work?  Thanks.

Offline loaded4bear

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Refinishing the stock on a BDL
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2005, 05:30:10 PM »
I've never attempted or found the need to remove the finish from a BDL rifle. That being said, the finish on the BDL is obviously much different from your traditional oiled or lacquer finish. It's actually a heavy plastic resin that encapsulates the wooden stock. My advice is that before you attempt to remove this finish, you contact DuPont chemical company directly since they are the manufacturer of the compound used by Remington to finish the BDL stock. They should be able to best advise you how to proceed. Here's the link to the "Contact Us" portion of their web site:
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Refinishing the stock on a BDL
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 05:32:59 PM »
Just finished one. All I did was lightly sand with 100 grit paper. Just sand until the white dust quits. you will be able to tell when you get there. I am vry plesded with the wat mine turned out. After I sanded, I touched up with stain then buffed real good, then took my breakfree rag and wiped down. then buffed again. I LIKE IT.

PS- Ionly sanded down to the stain - only at a few spots did I get to the wood. After letting it sit over night, it looked very good this morning. I like wiping down with breakfree. I started this after a duck hunting trip out of a canoe went bad. Seems to work very well on wood, exspecially if you like the dull look.

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Refinishing the stock on a BDL
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 08:26:14 AM »
You can dull any gloss finish just by taking some "0000 steel wool" to all of the finished areas.

It is fine enough to just remove the gloss and not break thru to the wood.  8)
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