but..i know i'm late ...lol...
but once they 'fit' my receiver (when I get one) then I can buy barrels from H&R or barrels from the classifieds, and they'll be good to go?
I was wondering how someone would buy a barrel from the forum's classifieds if it had to be fitted each time....
I think you are still a bit confused...Lets see if I can elaborate a bit.
You buy a gun the barrel is on and fit to that receiver. Everytime you want a new caliber you have two choices. Buy another complete gun or you send your receiver back to the factory for the new barrel (caliber) AND the fitting of that barrel to your receiver. If you want to change back to the old barrel its as simple as one screw, remove the forend. replace in reverse order with the old barrel. No further fitting of either of those barrels will be required as on THAT ONE receiver. If you choose a complete gun, instead of the acessory barrel, the barrels of each receiver (gun) will not be fit to the others receiver.
Now if you buy a used barrel, you are on your own as I do not believe H&R is fitting any customer supplied barrels. But your not stuck. The fitting is a fairly simple/straight forward operation and is thououghly outlined in a sticky or highlighted post, at the beginning of this forum.
I hope that better explains how the process works.
Good luck!