Just bought a new USH 12 to hunt on Ft Gordon(Slug Only). Since it has been a while and did not want to invest much at first to see if this old body can get back into the swing, I put a BSA Red Dot on it. Will take it to the range next week to try some different sabots and see how the different brands do, and sight in. I am not too familiar with sabot shells, mostly done handgun shooting and lots of M4 shooting in 3rd RGR BN. Most of the posts here talk about the recoil as being heavy (can't believe it because the thing is heavy as a monster to me) but experience is experience. Questions: I have the opportunity to sight in at 50 or 100 due to range constraints. Most of my pre-scouting leads me to believe that 40 yds will be the max shot, should I try 100 or stay with 50yds? Also, since the BSA is relatively low quality, should I stick with low recoil advertised sabots, could the recoil send my wally-world red dot into the trash heap? Don't care my self about recoil, I weigh 275 and am not too concerned. I'll be sore for certain, but I am sure I will pull through :-)
If I stay with low recoil sabots, what three or so brands of slugs should I take to the range to get feel of what shoots best? Also, despite the Monte stock, the cheek-to-stock weld feels low due to the seemingly high mount of the BSA. Is there an after market pad that is cheap for the stock so that
I get a more natural aimpoint and weld? Sorry for all the questions, as you can tell I a bit a of a newbie where slugs and hunting are concerned.