Author Topic: Are these people for real?  (Read 581 times)

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Offline Leverdude

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Are these people for real?
« on: August 09, 2005, 04:32:36 PM »
PETA's gotta be the most whacked out buncha crack heads on earth.  :)

Outrage on the green

Maria Garriga, Register Staff 08/09/2005
NEW HAVEN — A two-hour animal rights demonstration on the Green Monday sparked outrage instead of sympathy from the public.

"This is the most racist thing I’ve ever seen on the Green. How dare you," roared Philip Goldson, 43, of New Haven at the protest organizers at Church and Chapel streets.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.
"I think it is an apt comparison," said Josh Warchol, 26, of Wallingford, president of the Southern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, which is aligned with PETA.

PETA officials said they had hoped to generate dialogue with the shocking photographs.

"We realize these images are hurtful. It’s hard for me to imagine the hurt the animals go through. We should be treating animals according to their own best interests, not to the best interests of people," said Dawn Carr, PETA’s director of special projects.

PETA wants people to stop eating animals, stop using them for clothing, stop forcing animals to entertain people (as in a circus) and stop animal experimentation.

Carr said she doesn’t want animals sold or treated as property either.

The controversial display, which is on a national tour, is intended to drive home PETA’s point.

However, critics said the organization’s demonstration backfired.

One man demanded that the NAACP get involved immediately. Five minutes later, Scot X. Esdaile, president of the state and Greater New Haven chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, arrived at the scene, surveyed the photos and blasted the organizers.

"Once again, black people are being pimped. You used us. You have used us enough," Esdaile said. "Take it down immediately."

"I am a black man! I can’t compare the suffering of these black human beings to the suffering of this cow," said Michael Perkins, 47, of New Haven. He stood in front of a photo of butchered livestock hung next to the photo of two lynched black men dangling before a white mob.

"You can’t compare me to a freaking cow," shouted John Darryl Thompson, 46, of New Haven, inches from Carr’s face. "We don’t care about PETA. You are playing a dangerous game."

Paul Tomaselli, 46, of North Branford took exception to an exhibit that included a photo of a black man being beaten to the ground by a white man with a stick while a white mob gathers.

Next to that photo was one of a man chasing a seal across the snow with a club.

"I think he’s right," said Tomaselli, who is white, in support of Thompson. "To compare people to animals is an unfairness to people."

The display, "Are Animals the New Slaves?" is on a 10-week, 42-city tour that started in early July. Today’s stop: Scranton, Pa., then on to Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

"New Haven is important because of the Amistad. This is a place where slaves were brought. What happened here was very important for abolition. The next great liberation movement is animal liberation," Carr said.

However, the Anti-Defamation League, a national civil rights organization, has publicly condemned PETA’s use of photos comparing human suffering in the Holocaust to animal suffering today; PETA apologized in May for the hurt it caused but stood by the comparisons.

That point of disagreement became a flashpoint in New Haven.

"This is the most hostile audience we’ve had," said PETA volunteer Ben Godwin.

At one point, police hovered at the edge of the Green, across from the demonstration.

Eight of the 12 banners compared the suffering of black Americans to the suffering of cattle, sheep, an elephant, a seal and a rooster. Other banners showed Native Americans exiled from their homes, children in a factory and men in a counter-demonstration against women’s rights.

A photo showing a concentration camp inmate with a number tattooed across his emaciated chest was juxtaposed against a shot of a monkey in a laboratory with a number branded across its chest.

"I have relatives who were in concentration camps," said Alex Reznikoff, 47, of Newtown. "I think this detracts from PETA’s message. It doesn’t make me think about animals at all."

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Offline jh45gun

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Are these people for real?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 05:37:15 PM »
Just goes to show you that peta folks think more of animals than people and that they are all nuts!!  :x  :x  :x  :x  Problem is they are not a harmless bunch of nuts when it comes to hunting and fishing.  :x
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Leverdude

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Are these people for real?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 01:56:09 PM »
Yeah, they can be nasty.
I bowhunt next to a resivior on private property & last year the water company started letting people hunt their land. I kinda like it because theres a hundred bozo's stumbling around in the deers ex sanctuary pushing them around. The local PETA people got mad as hell tho. I went out one morning before work & it just happened to be the rifle opener. I only bowhunt here so didnt even realize it, I came to a bridge that crosses a neck in the resivior going to my spot & theres police all over the place with their lights going & all. Its 5:00 am & this spot is usually deserted so my first thought was something terrible happened. The cop asked me if I was hunting or protesting.  :?  Then it dawned on me what morning it was & I told him I was just passing thru to bowhunt on other property. There had to be 50 of them bozo's out there with signs saying all kinds of crap.  Really depressing to think that people have nothing better to do than harass hunters, especially when theyre there because they were asked to come.
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Offline FWiedner

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Are these people for real?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2005, 02:09:52 PM »
I'm not a PETA fan, buncha Kooks if you ask me.

And I eat my share of flesh donated by and liberated from our animal brethren.

Property is property, I think that the comparison between human and animal livestock is a fair one.

Whether it is politically correct in the modern world or not, the plain fact is that in days gone by some humans were owned by other humans and regarded as livestock.  While they were valuable livestock, their lives were not valued at any level even close in comparison to "real" men.  Modern sensibilities no longer classifiy sub-men (except when PM discusses his theory of Muslim placement on the evolutionary scale... :lol: ).

This story is about PETA making one good point, although they are a bit confused about the basis of that about which they speak, this is a story of blacks and Jews denying the truth of history and railing on political correctness.

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.

Offline JDJones

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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2005, 02:32:31 PM »
PETA is indeed a bunch of kooks. Human beings are to this day owned as property, and not in just third world countries. I only use TX or HI sugar, to avoid the possibility of financing slave owners. But that is just me.
I wonder why these extremists don't care about human suffering, and just what they think would happen to all the dairy and beef cattle, not to mention household pets, and hunting companions. They all retire to a condo in Florida?