I had a CC permit in my home-state, Massachusetts (Liberal bastion, etc. I know... I'm in Maine now). As expected, I had to be photographed, fingerprinted, etc., but I never had a problem. Issuance is up to the local Chief of Police. They don't call it a "concealed carry" permit, just a "permit to carry firearms", but they have several sub-classes, one of which permits you to carry pretty much anything, concealed or not (and you can have it say under "Reason" - "For all lawfull purposes"). I say "concealed or not", but , in reality, no one carries "open" in Mass; that would bring the cops coming from miles around. As opposed to Maine, where "open" carry is the rule (and doesn't require a license); and a concealed permit is supposedly very hard to get. It goes to the "rural versus urban" mentality; in "urban-land, a gun-carrier is assumed to be either an LEO or a bad-guy; in "rural-land", no one cares much ... guns is jest guns. One quirk of Mass law is that you are always required to be "in control" of your firearm; which means you can't leave it in your car unattended (it says so in the law). So do you take it with you into the 7-11 or bank?
For myself (having already gone through the fingerprint, photo routine), I'd like to see a "national" CCW permit; but I'm sensitive to 2nd Amendment fans who say it's not the Gov't's business.