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Offline Bikenut

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2004, 04:48:34 PM »
My Michigan CCW says on the top:

"Concealed Pistol License"

Hmmmmmmmm... wonder if that could be construed to mean it covers only ONE gun? Hope not or I'll be in trouble.

As for LEO's interaction experiences so far.............

It is legal to carry openly in Michigan. I do so inside the house and around my property as a matter of course. Often I'll step into the street to ask a passing patrol car officer how the neighborhood is doing and to shoot the breeze a bit. Never has any of many different officers even blinked an eye about the gun in plain sight on my hip.

Got pulled over for speeding in Detroit one night. I was lost so bad I didn't know where I was and paid too much attention to street signs and not speed limit signs. Ended up being 19 mph over the limit. When officer approached I immediately told him I had a valid CCW and was armed. He asked for my guns which I surrendered immediately. He cleared them and put them on the top of my car. Then proceeded with a normal traffic stop. End result. No ticket. Guns returned. Directions given to nearby freeway I was looking for. I appreciated the way they handled the whole thing. And not getting a well deserved ticket.

Had some trouble with a fellow in my house. He was arrested but trouble was big time so I ended up with many visits from police from time to time.  Depending on which officers came to visit it went like this:

I say: "I'm armed. Please come in."
Officer says: "Yeah, we know your armed. We came to see you for............"
This one was the response I got nearly every time.


I say: "I'm armed. Please come in."
Officer says: "Please disarm and unload your firearm." And when that was done: "We came to see you for................"

Only one time did an officer actually hold my hands behind me and disarm me himself.

All these things I didn't mind a bit. I don't mind cutting the officer a bit of slack so he can have peace of mind during his/her visit.

I did learn one thing though.... don't answer the door to a police officer with a gun in your hand! I was polishing/cleaning my revolver while my lady went to the store. There came a knock on the door and thinking my lady was back from the store and needed the door opened I went to the door with my almost done polishing revolver dangling from my hand. OOOOOOOOOPS! Officer took one look and backed up and said: "Now THAT makes me nervous!" with his hand on his gun. With egg on face I explained and put the gun away. IMMEDIATELY!

Also, during one visit by a couple of officers one noted the mil surp small arms hanging on my walls. I offered to show them some of the really neat stuff I had that was in a back room. We all walked down the hall (I'm still armed at the time) and had a look at my modest collection. Then we all walked back down the hall............. with me bringing up the rear... still armed. Those officers had no problem with an armed civilian behind them.

So basicly it all depends on the officer involved. Some are more easy with an armed civilian than others. Some of that depends on the officers "read" of the civilian too. An uneasy civilian will be treated differently than an obviously responsible one.
The longer I live, the older I get.
Neither has anything to do with wisdom.

Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2004, 03:59:53 AM »
Seems like the police like to come to your house Bikenut...Once in a while the police come to my house too...Makes the neighbors look out their windows and wonder...It is usually an unmarked car but it is obviously a cop car...I have a friend who is a detective and another who is a uniformed officer...Both stop by to say hi on an occassion.  I would just love to know what goes through my neighbors heads when the police show up.  Of course no one ever gets carted off but it is funny to think about it all the same.  

BTW, we live in a quiet neighborhood where most of the residents are retired or at least close to that age so there isn't a lot going on.
Patience comes with age and You can't teach common sense

Offline AZ223

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2004, 09:23:30 AM »
Quote from: paladyn
Hi. I'm new to the group.
My Indiana permit simply says "License to Carry Handgun" at the top. Nothing about concealed, although the understanding is the gun will be carried concealed.

If you're unsure what your permit allows, you may want to check out if you haven't already. Select the state you want, and it gives a plain-English version of the laws regarding CCW's in your state, and usually a link to your state's "revised statutes." If you can't find it there, look up your state's Department of Public Safety, or write to them. Most statutes have it clearly written as to what is allowed and what isn't regarding concealed carry, the use of force, and the use of deadly force.

Some state laws are a little confusing, like AZ's laws regarding carry in a vehicle -- Any gun, whether loaded or unloaded, in your glove compartment  or center console isn't "concealed", but the same gun under your seat is. Unless it's under your seat and in a "holster or scabbard," then it's not concealed any more.  :shock:  Go figure. But that's only if you don't have a CCW; with that, you can carry any way you want in a vehicle.
Life was so much simpler when I thought I knew everything...

Offline Thomas Krupinski

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2004, 10:06:04 AM »
Some state laws are a little confusing, like AZ's laws regarding carry in a vehicle -- Any gun, whether loaded or unloaded, in your glove compartment or center console isn't "concealed", but the same gun under your seat is. Unless it's under your seat and in a "holster or scabbard," then it's not concealed any more.  Go figure. But that's only if you don't have a CCW; with that, you can carry any way you want in a vehicle.

Nothing confusing about that, seems to spell it out pretty clearly.

Offline TNrifleman

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2004, 02:14:15 PM »
I've been in law enforcement for the past 19 years. Most of those years have also been spent as a firearms instuctor to police officers and also to private citizens during CCW classes.

Personally, I have no problem with any law abiding, responsible, and capable citizen carrying the means to defend themselves. I honestly believe the vast majority of LEOs feel the same way. After all, we are also private citizens and have family and friends who face the dangers that are an unfortunate part of living on this planet.

Congratulations on getting a carry permit. Take the responsibility seriously, continue to learn and refine your skills. One day, they may serve you well. Your personal safety is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, not the governments.

Offline dogngun

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2004, 02:30:04 AM »
I have had a permit in Pennsylvania for the last 8 years, and am in the process of renewing is for 4 more. Most if not all police cars in PA have computers that will let the patrol officer know you have a permit. I have never had any problems carrying, and I carry EVERYWHERE, except at work. I have felt the need to have a gun in my hand only once, and that was in mid-afternoon, mid town, just emerging from my car. (Car-jack- I let my Great Dane out of the back seat, and had a .357 in my right hand. He left.) You can not tell where or when you will need to defend yourself.

I am interested, but not surprised, that patrol officers suppore CCW, while management doesn't. I work for the state, in a non-LEO capacity, and my experience with government management types is similar...they feel they know it all, and the rest of the world knows nothing and can't be trusted.

Thanks for this thread...It's good to understand the other guy's thoughts.


Offline mitchshrader

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Gotta Ask ...
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2005, 01:05:47 AM »
How about 'avoid places you can't carry a weapon'?

Have you ever deliberately NOT gone to a (bar, school, public gathering) due to the "Legal Restrictions" and/or possible misunderstanding that can occur when carrying a firearm (for self defense purposes)?

I have heard a rumor <*cough*> that otherwise law abiding citizens on occasion have been armed for self defense purposes, without benefit of governmental approval.  I Speculate (hypothetically of course) that in such circumstances one might think Very Carefully about where one visited and traveled.

Just wondered if some folks WITH CCW permits noticed similar self-restraint in picking their path through life.

Offline Old Griz

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2005, 07:36:37 AM »
:cb2: Here in Tennessee it simply says HANDGUN CARRY PERMIT. It does not have to be concealed. Smarter to do so however.

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

Offline Nuttinbutchunks

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2005, 08:53:53 AM »
I live in Utah where they issue CCW's on a " Shall Issue" basis. Here, as opposed to Kalifornia, where there are witnesses to a crime the witnesses tend to get involved, capturing the assailant, instead of just calling the cops and laying low.

In Kali, you can get sued for such behaviour :?
Ohhhh, I hate when that happens :eek:

Offline saltforkgunman

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2005, 08:39:39 AM »
Quote from: Bikenut

Had some trouble with a fellow in my house. He was arrested but trouble was big time so I ended up with many visits from police from time to time.  Depending on which officers came to visit it went like this:

I say: "I'm armed. Please come in."
Officer says: "Yeah, we know your armed. We came to see you for............"
This one was the response I got nearly every time.


I say: "I'm armed. Please come in."
Officer says: "Please disarm and unload your firearm." And when that was done: "We came to see you for................"

Only one time did an officer actually hold my hands behind me and disarm me himself.

All these things I didn't mind a bit. I don't mind cutting the officer a bit of slack so he can have peace of mind during his/her visit.

I did learn one thing though.... don't answer the door to a police officer with a gun in your hand! I was polishing/cleaning my revolver while my lady went to the store. There came a knock on the door and thinking my lady was back from the store and needed the door opened I went to the door with my almost done polishing revolver dangling from my hand. OOOOOOOOOPS! Officer took one look and backed up and said: "Now THAT makes me nervous!" with his hand on his gun. With egg on face I explained and put the gun away. IMMEDIATELY!

Also, during one visit by a couple of officers one noted the mil surp small arms hanging on my walls. I offered to show them some of the really neat stuff I had that was in a back room. We all walked down the hall (I'm still armed at the time) and had a look at my modest collection. Then we all walked back down the hall............. with me bringing up the rear... still armed. Those officers had no problem with an armed civilian behind them.

I would not let a policeman disarm me in my own home.A man's gotta draw the line somewhere.

Offline Kart29

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2005, 10:28:12 AM »
I got pulled over for speeding one time.  I had put my revolver in my glove box because I had been out fishing all night and I was tired of having it in my waistband.  Well, when I got pulled over, the officer naturally wanted to see my registration - which was in the glovebox, too.  I didn't want to just reach into the glovebox and look like I was "going for my gun"  so I told the officer my registration was in the glovebox and there was a revolver in there, too.  He asked if I had a permit for it and asked to see that first.  He looked at my ID and my permit and told me to go ahead and get my registration.  I VERY carefully and slowly opened the glovebox and slipped out the registration with two fingers.  The officer complimented me on my choice of handguns.  He wrote me the ticket anyway but he didn't show up in court so I got to keep my money.

In Indiana, it is a permit to carry a handgun - it can be concealed or open carry, our choice.  But, sometimes the open carry can draw attention you don't need.

I had the SWAT team called on me one time because I was returning a Crossman BB gun to my boss who had wanted me to take it home and sight it in for him (his back-yard goose chaser).  I guess somebody saw me carrying the BB gun into the building at work and called the police.  The receptionist in our business came to my office and said a man with a scoped rifle had come into our building, SWAT is on their way, and the landlord had instructed everyone to lock their doors and stay out of the hallway.  As far as I know, walking around with a BB gun is no kind of crime.  I just don't want to deal with all the people overreacting if they see me carrying one of those horrific gun thingies :eek:

Offline Nuttinbutchunks

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Law Enforcements Take on Having Armed Civil
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2005, 02:18:54 PM »
Wow. Here in Utah I think you could carry any kind of gun and as long as you demonstrated that you were safe and knew what you were doing nobody would say a thing.
Ohhhh, I hate when that happens :eek: